The Winter granny square swap.

I'm in the flower swap, my first success with 3-D crocheting. I'm pretty pleased with how they're coming out.

I love how the flower thing is building our crochet skills. I haven't started yet, but I just did a flower applique for a headband and it was great. I love learning new stuff. Like the crocheted chicks (my avatar). They turned out to be so easy!
Here are my flower squares

, my first 3-D project. I don't know whether you can tell in the picture, but it is three layers; the small petals, the large petals and the grass.
Rancher, thanks so much for doing this.  I'm very excited to receive my squares.  I have a plan for the blanket.  Which doesn't include it being hijacked by my daughter like the last one!

Anyone else in for the flower square swap?  That one should be awesome!
I am. So far I have failed but just printed a new pattern I hope I can follow. Keep your fingers crossed (but not when you are trying to crocet. That would be bad.)
I am. So far I have failed but just printed a new pattern I hope I can follow. Keep your fingers crossed (but not when you are trying to crocet. That would be bad.)

I haven't settled on a pattern yet either, I've tried a couple and didn't like how they were going.
Sorry I haven't posted lately. Truly appreciate all the prayers. I am headed by to CT Wednesday to see my mom and sister. Mom has been in the hospital for the past week but will be headed back to the nursing home in the next day or two. My sister has been transferred from the hospital to a skilled nursing facility and we have been advised by Hospice that it is time to let her know it is ok to let go. I have squares just about ready to ship and will get them out before I leave for CT. Thank you all for the prayers and patience.
For all you newbies. Crochet is just a few basic stitches. Once you've mastered them the hardest part is reading the instructions. When I started I made small squares of each stitch until I could get them a consistent size.

Your stitches might be bigger or smaller than someone else's. The idea is to be consistent in size for YOU. Getting the correct "gauge" for the pattern may mean changing the size needle YOU use. Not the size needle the pattern calls for.

I personally have to use a smaller needle than the pattern calls for. You may need a bigger needle or even a size or two smaller.

In some cases with these squares I left off the last row or added another in either SC, HDC, or DC. (I purposely abbreviated so you can get used to them)

Hand knitting and crochet is becoming a lost Fabric Art. As is hand embroidery.

My sister used to use tracing paper to copy pictures from coloring books on to fabric to embroider. Of course she much older now. 70 or so.

The key is to never give up.

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