The Winter granny square swap.

I'll get home on the 4th, so the box will get there just before me. Good timing on this end. Thank you for hosting this swap, Rancher.
Hello everyone. Wanted to give you all an update... I went to CT to visit with my sister and mom at the end of February. Saw mom on the 28th and my sister on the 1st. My sister had really declined since I had been there at the end of January. The following afternoon, she lost her battle with cancer. I spent the first week of March in CT with family and my other sisters and we had to tell our mother that she had lost another child. I am grateful for the other 4 sisters I have that we were able to go together and tell mom and be there for her.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for my sister and our family.
((( Hugs ))) I'm sorry for your loss but so glad you made it there to see her.
Hello everyone. Wanted to give you all an update... I went to CT to visit with my sister and mom at the end of February. Saw mom on the 28th and my sister on the 1st. My sister had really declined since I had been there at the end of January. The following afternoon, she lost her battle with cancer. I spent the first week of March in CT with family and my other sisters and we had to tell our mother that she had lost another child. I am grateful for the other 4 sisters I have that we were able to go together and tell mom and be there for her.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for my sister and our family.
Kat-my condolences. Your sister is fortunate to have such a loving family. May she rest in peace and you all be well and happy.
Hi folks things have been crazy here. Everyone not feeling well. DW and DD both calling in sick to work. Fortunately I don't have a job, with the exception of my volunteer job and I've called in for that too.

Chicks hatching so I have to keep moving just the same. At least to do the things I can't not do. Stomach bug going around here. They went to TX and brought it back with them.

Chickens need to be fed and watered of course. Snow to be snowblowed. Lots on Saturday morning. Gets warm, then cold, then snows , then melts. I'm tired.

Plus knitting to do for squares for church. Lots of sick folks these days. It's tough getting old. Not that I'm "old", but many of my friends are in their 70's.

Anyhow I expect to start mailing out tomorrow for sure.

Anyone here hatching chicks/ ducks for the spring?

Take care, hope everyone is well,


ps got some good news yesterday. DD is expecting #2.
I'm sorry you're all so sick and am offering merit. I'd be fine waiting until you're better to receive the squares.

No chicks. I haven't seen a chicken in almost a year. Maybe some day I can get back into the chicken world. For now, I just enjoy you all.

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