The Worst of all predators...

That's just like what happened to me except someone shot my dog. I don't understand the cruelty of people. I'm so sorry you lost a chicken. I would have taken the gun you found to the police so they could have gotten fingerprints from it! It seems likely that the person that did this will do it again, perhaps somewhere else, to someone else and prints may have been helpful in future. I'm happy your other chicken was able to be saved. We spent tons of money to save our dog (they said he wouldn't live) and never caught the degenerate who shot him. He's fine today. Best wishes and again, I am sorry for your loss. :barnie

Moki shot path.jpg
Actually i was considering one, I might get one.
Doesn't take a expensive one but they have them. If I could afford it I would get one of the black light ones, can't be seen by people at night, the others are infrared like I have, not super noticeable but do show a bit of a red glow of led's at night, super quick in pic mode, longer in vid. They also have some that email you pics as they happen.
I bought mine originally to scout for deer, hunting purposes, have lots of pics of deer, some of bear, some really scary one's of a fisher, didn't even know we had them (only scary cause of my chickens, was pretty cool otherwise).
I mainly use it for chicken coop scout now, see what's out there, had a couple coyotes on it. Also have hid and used it for a security cam, pointed at our house and driveway when we leave for vacation, we're very rural and doubt any probs, don't even lock garage, but it makes me feel better if something does come missing, don't have to wonder and suspect.
Couple pics on my small coop, so you can see what it's capable of, just a cheap $50, 6 megapixel I bought five or more yrs ago, they are a lot better now and more megapixel at that price.
Did not have any probs with that fox, must have had easier things to eat.
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Pellet rifles are certainly not toys, my .22 fires at or above a .22 long riffle. Add to that, I use hollow points and the knockdown power goes up.
I would also say camera time, and hope the riffle was not stolen since you sold it!
Good luck I find those that live near you can be the worst predator out there!
Edit; I would have given the riffle to the sheriff while I was filing a complaint!
I agree the cops should have been involved.

There was a thread on BYC about a month ago that someone's neighbors were shooting pellet guns at their birds. They were in the coop and walked out and the neighbors continued to shoot pellet guns in their direction while cursing at them.

The thread was locked for review because talk became sort of heated.

Anyway while it's never happened to us as we are very rural it has happened.

Please contact the police and be safe. No firearm pellet gun bb gun or any of them are toys. Everyone should be taught the proper use of a firearm. It's a personal opinion and I know it wouldn't stop people who were really set on doing harm to another but it would stop most of the accidental shootings that happen with guns.

My brother had a friend growing up that found his father's gun and wanted to play cops and robbers. He was about 7. He shot and killed his brother. Their father had never taught them about guns only kept it away from them and he kept it loaded.
I too had a classmate killed by his brother while playing around with a loaded gun. In this case, just a dinky little .410 single shot, but at close range, it took most of his head off. I also have an air rifle not as powerful as the one shown, and it will put a pellet through a 3/4" board.....or a person's forehead. No, they are not toys.

I would normally say to work things out with neighbors, but once a neighbor has entered my property with a gun and started shooting stuff, that is the type of thing where the law needs to be told and get them involved. And it would have been best to have kept the gun and turned that in. Lots of information to be gained from this.

BTW, this also assumes the OP is as pure as the wind driven snow. If they have omitted some part of the story where they were in the wrong to get the problem started, then that will come out too.
Human beings are the most devious predator out there. We don't play by the rules and others will suffer for our greed, stupidity and thoughtlessness. I would have had a police report taken and the weapon should have been kept for evidence. Another member here had a neighbor shoot at her coop while she was inside. Let me tell you these situations get nasty. Real nasty. You can get involved by notifying the neighbors and discuss the situation with them. Chances are the person doing the shooting is targeting other animals such as dogs and cats. Once you get the neighbors involved you will have more eyes out there making it difficult for the perp to get his jollies.

My advice is to tread carefully. I know the first instinct is to go out there blasting but then you are no better than the person who is attacking your chickens.
That's terrible! So sorry for your loss!
If you have good relations with the neighbors, I'd calmly inform them of the situation. Be sure not to sound accusing or anything. Explain that you consider your chickens your pets (as some unfortunately regard them as expendable and not important, the "just get a new one" attitude...), and are very sad about your pet's death. Advise them to keep a close eye on their own pets etc.
The more people keeping watch, the better.
Since this happened we go out more frequently to check our area, aswell as shining a giant led light into the backyard. Even the littlest cry or bark from the dogs behind us is enough to go out and check. I'm planning to rebuild the hen house so that it can't be shot at from the outside and I'll be getting a dog to keep our backyard safe(or to alert us), I used to have one and possums or other problems were no issue.(Kawachi killed around 10 possums in his lifetime!!!) And when I can I'll be getting a trailcam for nighttime use. Again thank you all for your condolences. I hope this never happens to anyone else.

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