The Wyandotte Thread

Thanks I appreciate it. I fooled with dogs for years but my boys are to young to take running so now I fool with Wyandottes and getting out of orpingtons. The blrw's alone take alot of time. My young birds are just now starting to look good. Their a work in progress.
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My first GL
we went through Cackle for ours
i think cackles got some pretty good birds ..i used cackle for mine as well ..i got 11 columbian wyandottes from them ..i ordered 10 but you always get extras..but i am very happy with mine ..mine just started to lay this last week ..i found a few small pearl colored eggs and now i see they are getting much bigger eggs ..and the colors are more like a lite pink to almond or pearl color ..i new right away it was them because my wellies lay terracotta colored eggs and my production birds lay a tan and lite pinkesh eggs ..much bigger as well
Hi everyone, have enjoyed reading through many of these pages and just love so many of the pictures shared!!! I think reading through all of them is going to take a bit more time!!

I would like to share a few of our new additions purchased this week. Totally fell in love with our young Wyandotte chicks that I bought a few weeks ago, silver laced, blue laced and gold laced, so added two new trio's to our brood, the first trio is a Salmon Laced Wyandotte and the second a Buff laced Wyandotte. :) They are such placid birds and just love their peticoats, they remind me of the French Can Can dresses :)

Our Roo, Oscar

with one of his ladies...

and the trio together...
I know that this is a few years back but do you still have the salmon wyandottes?

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