The Wyandotte Thread

He has a lot of good points. His overall appearance is very good. Combs a little rough. I would like to see the tail open a little more and I like a bird that holds his width all the way out to the end of the back. He looks a little tapered to me. Looks like he has nice lacing but I'm not the most familiar with BLR.

Can any of you experienced breeders offer some feedback (positive and negative) on the quality of this cockerel? I hatched him in March last year.
I agree with the prior posts...he's not horrible
He has a lot of good points. His overall appearance is very good. Combs a little rough. I would like to see the tail open a little more and I like a bird that holds his width all the way out to the end of the back. He looks a little tapered to me. Looks like he has nice lacing but I'm not the most familiar with BLR.

Type is better than most Blue Laced Reds I've seen. I'm curious about the wing too-is he weak in that wing joint or is he jusy holding it that way in this picture? Comb is pretty course. All in all not bad for this variety.
Thanks for the feedback. It is really helpful. It would be nice if people would post pictures and critique more often on this thread. I think it helps everyone learn about what to look for in a good...or bad...Wyandotte.

He had just crowed and flapped his wings right before I took the picture. He doesn't normally 'appear' to hold his wings like that. If it is a split wing, I guess it is a good picture of what to look for.
Pah! He's much nicer than the blr I have running around the place. They're squatters from one of the Thoroughbred farms while the manager is in Europe for a year. At least they're earning their feed by my selling their eggs to the mail-lady. She thinks they're yummy... Mr. FarmManager has until March to get them back or they're going to a swap. I need their coop!

I need to separate the blues and blacks. One of my cocks must be a closet dark blue since I'm getting SPLASH chicks. I need to get DH to buy a new battery for the camera. These chicks are almost solid white with an occasional dark dot. I've never seen anything like it. They must be from the breeder splash blue hen I bought from Jerry Foley last summer. She is very light herself. At least they have yellow legs. Jerry suggested I breed in white LF to help the type and leg color of my blacks. I might be able to bypass buying a whole different color variety.
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ggarrett- When we still had BLR's back before they became too popular we had some nice black and blue hens that we crossed with them to bring in better type. First generation gave solid pullets and mostly solid cockerels. The pullets with the best type got bred back to laced which gave lacing in all the birds but the cockerels still looked more columbian patterned with some half moon lacing in the breast. We bred the pullets with the best type and lacing back to good laced cocks and got what we wanted- good lacing on a good body. After that, the market was flooded with BLR's from everyone else and our main rooster went sterile plus other issues so we got out of the largefowl wyandottes
ggarrett- When we still had BLR's back before they became too popular we had some nice black and blue hens that we crossed with them to bring in better type. First generation gave solid pullets and mostly solid cockerels. The pullets with the best type got bred back to laced which gave lacing in all the birds but the cockerels still looked more columbian patterned with some half moon lacing in the breast. We bred the pullets with the best type and lacing back to good laced cocks and got what we wanted- good lacing on a good body. After that, the market was flooded with BLR's from everyone else and our main rooster went sterile plus other issues so we got out of the largefowl wyandottes

Thanks for the response. I'm glad somebody else has done it! I just sent you a pm.
I was wondering if all you wonderful wyandotte folks could help me with sexing this juvenile... it's almost 4 months old, Blue/Foley lines. I'm not a wyandotte expert, and sadly it was the only one that hatched out of 18 eggs I received, so I have nothing here to compare it against! But any help would be appreciated.. I'm guessing roo, but figured I'd put pics here for evaluation :) Sorry I wasn't able to get better images..its out in a tractor at the moment.

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