There's A Wolf In My Living Room

I love this thread. Thanks for posting it. I don't own any but I love them. Thanks again. All of them are gorgeous.
I'm glad you enjoy the thread.
. The Wolfdogs are a wonderful part of the family.
She died a few year back. She was big and fluffy but had black and tan coloring. Sasha was the coolest dog. She actually never got out.
OMG! A wolf/husky/chow mix puppies?! They must have been so cute... pics??
I have had both wolf dogs and a full wolf. Full wolfs are not good as pets. Ours was a rescue. Cody had been tied in a junkyard as a "guard dog" and had limited human contact. His food was tossed over the fence to him. We tried to acclimate him to people and also integrate him into our pack of wolf dogs. No sucess. He could escape from any enclosure and did. We had double fences. He was hit by a car on one of his excursions and had a broken leg. Our vet put a pin in and Cody chewed it out. We finally found him a home with a man who raised and trained wolfs for the movies. Last time saw him he was riding around town in John's truck and was loving it. We were happy he had finally found someone that could handle him and make him happy. Also in most places you need special permits or a wild life rehab license to keep full bloods.
We feed our wolf-dogs a high quality dry food with NO Corn or corn by prouducts. They cannot digest corn and it really messes up their digestive system. When we have it available we feed cooked venison. (We do hunt and several of our friends donate the parts of their deer that they do not use. ) They get a small can of commercal canned food when venison is not available.
Just took the 14 year old male to the vet yesterday and was told he was in excellent health so it must be working. I love my wolf dogs
I feed dry dog food that doesn't have corn in it. They also get meat daily.

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