There's cooked onions in the dressing....okay for the chooks to have?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
I looked at Buff's treat chart, but I didn't see anything about onions - I might have missed it, because I could swear I read something about onions and chickens before.
I intend to give the chickens their own thanksgiving meal in morning and I'm not sure everything is okay to include:

Sweet tater casserole (sans marshmallows)
Mashed taters
pumpkin pie

The only thing I was wondering about is the onions in the dressing, also CRANBERRIES?
I'm stuffed from eating today, and reading your chickens' menu made me salivate again!!! lol
I gave mine a little dressing today, and I know it had a little onion in it. I'm not saying it's okay (I honestly didn't think about it), but my chicks are no worse for wear. I'm not a fan of cranberry, so I didn't give them any of that. I don't recall reading anything taboo about it though...
I feed mine stuff w/ onions in it all the time. I've seen people write it may affect the flavor of the egg, but I have not noticed any off flavors. 2 weeks ago I fed them the left-over french onion soup..... that was pretty oniony concentrated, and had no ill affects or ill flavors.

Happy Thanksgiving to the chooks.

Mine got cornbread and eggs for turkey day

Well then the spoiled little brats can pick around the onions.

Thanks y'all.
Well then the spoiled little brats can pick around the onions.

Thanks y'all.

My spoiled brats are picky! If I toss out something they don't like they all come stand in front of me and STARE, like "what else you got" !
Can you believe they are still ignoring the plate of side dishes? I tried throwing a chunk of dressing to them and they turned their beaks up at it.
On the other hand, I saw a hen with a turkey wing in her beak and she was running around making that noise they make when they want the others to chase them.

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