They are poisoned again!!!

DuMor is also JUNK. DO NOT FEED IT!
You will likely end up with health issues and leg issues by feeding solely DuMor.
You need to switch to a better brand and I would supplement with brewers yeast to prevent leg issues since you've been feeding DuMor this whole time
It sounds like botulism, I agree with @Fancychooklady

Those are all the signs of it and it's very easy to treat if you catch it early.
I don't think botulism causes seizures. And they are able to walk. Plus botulism takes at least 2 days when they take about an hour to heal. Ducks with botulism most die off and we had five with this and none did.
DuMor is also JUNK. DO NOT FEED IT!
You will likely end up with health issues and leg issues by feeding solely DuMor.
You need to switch to a better brand and I would supplement with brewers yeast to prevent leg issues since you've been feeding DuMor this whole time
I do have it mixed with brewers yeast. No at one point they where fed texas natural chick feed but that had to much grit.
Botulism can present with all or just one of the symptoms depending on the amount of toxin consumed. Often ducks will just present with limberneck and once treated will recover. The use of glysophate in the yard is also something that can cause seizures and short term disorientation .
Botulism can present with all or just one of the symptoms depending on the amount of toxin consumed. Often ducks will just present with limberneck and once treated will recover. The use of glysophate in the yard is also something that can cause seizures and short term disorientation .
I don't use any pesticides or fertilizers at all.

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