they don't eat the cracked corn!


15 Years
May 7, 2009
Southeastern Illinois
My girls do not eat the cracked corn in the scratch mix! Do your's like it? I used to be sick about is mostly cracked corn and all of it seemed to be wasted on the floor. The I started having mice, which isn't a BIG problem flor the girls...they LOVE mice! Problem is just for me, I HATE mice. Anyway, the point to this post is: can I buy a scratch grains mix with less cracked corn, or is there something else I can feed in place of scratch? I really hate seeing my hard earned $$ on the ground being trampled.......guess I'll need to get a goat??!!
How old are they? For some reason, none of mine liked corn all that much until about 14 weeks.

Almost any grain works well as scratch -- mine go wild over any combination of wheat, oats, and BOSS.
Ya know what, cracked corn is only about 7% protien. Scratch isn`t much better. You should be feeding at least 14%-20% protien in a commercial feed. They can live on scratch, but their health will suffer in the long run. Buy the best feed you can afford.........Pop
Mine are about 8 months. I just toss it in the grass of my fenced area and coop run now (as an extra), hoping they will stop wanting to venture into the wooded areas looking for bugs and stuff.
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Are you feeding them scratch as their only feed? Chickens should be fed a layer ration with at least 15% protein.
I'll add another voice of concern about whether your scratch is being used as feed (very poor nutrition) or just as a morning/evening treat...

If you're talking treat - my girls didn't really care for scratch at all until they were around 12 weeks or so. But once they figured it out, they didn't seem picky about the

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