They have shipped!!!!!

Ooh pekins! Iam twice excited now

All those fancy colored birds are like painted floosies :plbb ill take vanilla please
Oh goodness you make me laugh. Between your Pekin and Chuck and Buck I could not resist. Someone mentioned before that they are always smiling. I did not realize how big they get until recently. I do not think they will have any problem fending off Leonard when they are old enough to hang with him.
@Jpat @WannaBeHillBilly I just got my old brooder out so I could clean it up and get it ready for my girls and my dog totally knows what is about to happen. She had her head all up inside of the bin and was wagging that tail and started whining. She loves baby ducks! These are not the best pics though so sorry for that


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Oh goodness you make me laugh. Between your Pekin and Chuck and Buck I could not resist. Someone mentioned before that they are always smiling. I did not realize how big they get until recently. I do not think they will have any problem fending off Leonard when they are old enough to hang with him.
The size is why i went with the White Layers. All my other birds are light breeds, the Runners even look fragile and i didn't want to add some real heavy weights to that. I call them White Layers my tank-ducks, Pekins would be battle-ship ducks…
And the White Layers smile too:
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