They have shipped!!!!!

Its awesome! View attachment 1757043

Poor little fella needs some niacin! Hahaha

i couldnt find stuffed ducks anywhere except too expensively online. i got a stuffed racoon as ironic as that is

Glad me and @SuperDuck inspired you! Your brooder looks great! The dog must like all the excitement eh?
Y'all really did. I found that little stuffed duckling on Amazon for $6 so here it is. My husband is going to shake his head when he sees that. hahahaha I do have B complex on hand just in case. My stuffed duckie is not as cute as F @SuperDuck
The size is why i went with the White Layers. All my other birds are light breeds, the Runners even look fragile and i didn't want to add some real heavy weights to that. I calle them White Layers my tank-ducks, Pekins would be battle-ship ducks…
And the White Layers smile too:
View attachment 1757047
Yes and they are so pretty. My runners are going to be tiny compared to them. I hope they all end up getting along.
@Jpat @WannaBeHillBilly I just got my old brooder out so I could clean it up and get it ready for my girls and my dog totally knows what is about to happen. She had her head all up inside of the bin and was wagging that tail and started whining. She loves baby ducks! These are not the best pics though so sorry for that
They will pile up in one corner for the first days anyway! Good dog, you'll have someone to help watching the 'lings.
Yes and they are so pretty. My runners are going to be tiny compared to them. I hope they all end up getting along.
You need to introduce the ducklings to your ducks as soon as possible! I did not and there was a lot of friction between the Runners and the rest. Still the Runners stay to themselves, except Nona. I think she likes the Buff Orpington drake…
I love little Nona! She was cute in your videos when she was talking to the ducklings. Oh yes, I will be having lots of see but no touch time from the get go. I am curious to see how they react to them. When I introduced the runners to what I now believe to be Rouens (TSC said they were Mallard but what do they know?) my Leonard was quite the jerk until I started spraying him with the hose when he was being mean and he straightened right up. They were only about 5 weeks apart though so...... We shall see
The size is why i went with the White Layers. All my other birds are light breeds, the Runners even look fragile and i didn't want to add some real heavy weights to that. I call them White Layers my tank-ducks, Pekins would be battle-ship ducks…
And the White Layers smile too:
View attachment 1757047
Panzers or something like that right?
I don't have my my big beautiful + sized Anatolian shepherd Honeybear anymore for protection so it will be really interesting to see how my young border collie Princess does with my new babies. She better be good and I think she will be. She's only 4 1/2 months right now and doing so much better around the ducks. She never tried to hurt them she just likes to chase them. I plan on introducing her right away when the ducks are born. My other border collie Steve is so great and he's always been around the ducks with no problem.

I've got the incubator set up and I'm getting ready, set, go on incubation! RunnerDuckMom is giving me some of her eggs to hatch too. Between us we will have 1 fawn/white boy, 1 black runner boy mating with fawn/white, black, blue and chocolate girls! I can't wait to see what we will get! Life is like a box of chocolates!

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