They LOVE Tuna Fish!!!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Nov 6, 2008
I was feeding my dogs tuna from a can and gave some to my 3 hens and they went BERSERK! Is there any reason I shouldn't do this? They won't start laying till April...maybe it will make their eggs fishy...yuck
Fish adds Omega 3 to your eggs. Makes them healthier.

I give mine fish every week. This week they all fought over 4 talapia fillet's. Sometimes I give them pollack most often I open a can of salmon and watch them fight over it.
As a treat, once or twice a week I will open a can of tuna, ocean fish, or other fishy cat food. The cost is under 1.25 for four small cans. The birds absolutly love it. When they hear me pop the lid off the can, they come running.
The light tuna should be fine... the albacore tuna seems to have more residual mercury, and it is recommended to only consume 1 can per week, especially for expectant mothers. Once in a while as a treat to the chickens won't hurt them. We always seem to wind up with extra salmon and halibut from the previous fishing season, and anything freezerburned or really old gets boiled up and fed to the chickens for extra protein. They LOVE LOVE LOVE it.
Because the FDA dictates that certain levels are allowable, and they figure that you won't eat so much in a given time period to reach a toxicity level. some people do, however, and it's a scary disease to battle.

Pregnant women are advised against eating certain types of seafood for the duration of their pregnancies.

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