They sleep on the roof


5 Years
Aug 15, 2018
Central NJ
i had a tractor supply coop that we boarded up so it was one big coop. It is inside a large 10, x 10, run. Before we boarded the coop, the chickens slept inside . Now around 5-5:30 I see one of the roosters making sure they all go inside. But when I went outside around 9:30 at night, they were all fast asleep on the roof of the coop. Should they sleep inside? It was in the low 20’s last week.they look good tho. I will add pictures of the outside soon.
How many birds total and how many males?
Probably crowded and stuffy in there.
Pics of inside coop showing roosts please.
Chickens are very untrustful of change and it may take them time to adjust.
It could be you have more roosters than you need.
Possibly The boarding up has made the roosting area darker than usual and they cant see.
You may have to replace the wood with fiberglass panels or plastic sheeting to alow more light.
Good luck.
Chickens are very untrustful of change and it may take them time to adjust.
It could be you have more roosters than you need.
Possibly The boarding up has made the roosting area darker than usual and they cant see.
You may have to replace the wood with fiberglass panels or plastic sheeting to alow more light.
Good luck.
But alot of coops are closed up. There is one roost in the main area and 2 smaller ones up above where the nesting boxes are. Yes I have too many roosters. I've had them since they were born so now for me to pick and choose who stays and who goes and ignore the whining from my children who don't even live with me lol. Everyone has a favorite!!! 3 hens 3 roosters. Only 6 months old.
But alot of coops are closed up. There is one roost in the main area and 2 smaller ones up above where the nesting boxes are. Yes I have too many roosters. I've had them since they were born so now for me to pick and choose who stays and who goes and ignore the whining from my children who don't even live with me lol. Everyone has a favorite!!! 3 hens 3 roosters. Only 6 months old.
Yeah, maybe but it's not great to be without ventilation and light.
Did they start sleeping on the roof shortly after you added the boards to close things up?

I vote to give each of your kids a rooster.:lol:
When doing these conversions I propose removing all inside walls, by leaving the original inside walls it's not making it bigger, it's still partitioned and now just boarded up. THen run a single roost lengthwise or two across short way (depending on exact measurements).

I also feel it's too boarded up making it too dark and stuffy. Plus this is new to them so you may need to put them in for a few nights.
Since the all slept unside previous to the boarding up, this new darker coop is new and strange to them. You could go out after dark and take them off the roof and place them inside. You would probably not have to do this long and they may get the idea.
Your 3 roosters may get along now, but prepare yourself for the fighting and some featherless and bedragled and ragged looking hens as they will suffer with that many roosters.
Since the all slept unside previous to the boarding up, this new darker coop is new and strange to them. You could go out after dark and take them off the roof and place them inside. You would probably not have to do this long and they may get the idea.
Your 3 roosters may get along now, but prepare yourself for the fighting and some featherless and bedragled and ragged looking hens as they will suffer with that many roosters.

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