They want to make it ALL illegal. What do you think of Senate Bill 510

Please tell us where you got the information that Blackwater is now owned by Monsanto. We can go look at the site. Maybe they have documentation of the sale.

Without documentation, anything is a statement of belief. I don't like Monsanto and would like to know the truth. Currently the other link has a believable trail for how the news of Monsanto buying Blackwater got out there. I have seen nothing to document the other side but your impassioned statement.

We have been told to "Do our own homework" and we are trying to. Help us out. What site have you found to be honest and accurate?

I absolutely believe they hired Blackwater to dig up dirt on groups standing against them. It is documented and not denied.
Email works great for most of them, and will get there faster

Consider this, do you read every e-mail? I don't and I suspect they don't either but a piece of mail is material and something they can see. Imagine the postal man coming and dropping hundreds of post cards from hundreds of people. That will leave an impression.
Also just as your inbox can get filled I suspect theirs does too. Now a mailbox jammed with postcards concerning this issue that will make an impression.

So where can one find the addresses for congress men/women? One could simply print a a list and stick the labels on the post card and mail them out. If it's not worth 29 cents then it's not worth bothering with.
rancher hicks wrote: So where can one find the addresses for congress men/women? One could simply print a a list and stick the labels on the post card and mail them out. If it's not worth 29 cents then it's not worth bothering with.

U.S. Senate:

. House:

use the search fields). Also, both your Rep/Sen(s) will probably be maintaining a local office and/or contacts.

Other useful links:

Federal Agency list:

: (read the Con/Bud/Off (CBO) comments on the bill(s) in question - often allows one to drill further down (previous/conforming law).

The U.S. Code: (all legislation that references/conforms with previous law will appear in the legislation as a number. It will usually be associated with the agencies that address implementation/enforcement of laws already in force that the current legislation addresses). The USC is the `legal bible' of Uncle Sam.

Bills work their way through Committees. It is also useful to snail mail Committee members (hit the road and maybe engage some eyeballs before, as has been mentioned, the aides/staffers are merely weighing/counting for or against correspondence on the final bill).

U.S. House Committees:

. Senate Committees:

: add links/SP​
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I was told by a staffer at our representative's office that they present most information to the representative/senator in the form of statistics.
1234 for, 122343 against, 35% expressing small producer concerns, 3456 of the same forwarded form letter that seems to come from website abc....etc.

The staffer I talked to said email is great when the bill id is in the subject and the for / against is in the opening statement. Allows her to record it and chuck it faster. ( ! )

She likes it when there is only one point per correspondance, confesses that she and other staff often chuck a long letter after recording the first point (s510, against, small producer concerns response, delete) and only skimming down to make sure there isn't anything else in there like a question about how to do passport renewals.

I agree that a large volume of paper makes a physical impression IF the rep/sen sees it. More likely his staff has to deal with it and the sen/rep just sees a final tally. That number can be leave a big impression too.

As much as I'd like to think everyone reads all of my long-winded postings, I know that putting them on paper makes no difference at all in my reps office.

I do know that the occassional well worded note gets to the sen/rep, especially if they are looking for a documented example to use in discussions of the bill. Short, to the point, with some of your excellent wit, would be great.
Please tell us where you got the information that Blackwater is now owned by Monsanto. We can go look at the site. Maybe they have documentation of the sale.

Without documentation, anything is a statement of belief. I don't like Monsanto and would like to know the truth. Currently the other link has a believable trail for how the news of Monsanto buying Blackwater got out there. I have seen nothing to document the other side but your impassioned statement.

We have been told to "Do our own homework" and we are trying to. Help us out. What site have you found to be honest and accurate?

I absolutely believe they hired Blackwater to dig up dirt on groups standing against them. It is documented and not denied.

I wish you'd really read what I wrote. Research? Documentation? ANY thing can be a fabrication,and often is. All things can be forged,counterfeited,altered--on & on.
Belief? Yes,I had that once upon a time (not talking about God).
Now? I ask again--who can one believe? I know the media is controlled. I know most politicians are controlled or self-serving.
I honestly don't know anyone I can trust other then some friends & family

Here are a few of MANY sites with the story. Now,IF canoechick
is correct--how am I a liar and all the other goodies inferred?
Never ever considered you a liar. I think you are stating your beliefs as facts, and I think most of us have done that occassionally.

I just wanted to be certain I understand which are your beliefs and which are the facts and like you I find that hard to separate when emotions are blinding the issue.

Monsanto makes me see red. Yet I only want to accuse them of sins they actually committed. There are plenty of those without being confused.
Never ever considered you a liar. I think you are stating your beliefs as facts, and I think most of us have done that occassionally.

I just wanted to be certain I understand which are your beliefs and which are the facts and like you I find that hard to separate when emotions are blinding the issue.

Monsanto makes me see red. Yet I only want to accuse them of sins they actually committed. There are plenty of those without being confused.

X2 JoAnn_WI!!
I was told by a staffer at our representative's office that they present most information to the representative/senator in the form of statistics.
1234 for, 122343 against, 35% expressing small producer concerns, 3456 of the same forwarded form letter that seems to come from website abc....etc.

The staffer I talked to said email is great when the bill id is in the subject and the for / against is in the opening statement. Allows her to record it and chuck it faster. ( ! )

She likes it when there is only one point per correspondance, confesses that she and other staff often chuck a long letter after recording the first point (s510, against, small producer concerns response, delete) and only skimming down to make sure there isn't anything else in there like a question about how to do passport renewals.

I agree that a large volume of paper makes a physical impression IF the rep/sen sees it. More likely his staff has to deal with it and the sen/rep just sees a final tally. That number can be leave a big impression too.

As much as I'd like to think everyone reads all of my long-winded postings, I know that putting them on paper makes no difference at all in my reps office.

I do know that the occassional well worded note gets to the sen/rep, especially if they are looking for a documented example to use in discussions of the bill. Short, to the point, with some of your excellent wit, would be great.

This was exactly my point of a post card. You can say what your against and a short sentence why and be done with it. If everyone here sent these post cards on the same day it would get the Senator and congressmans attention when their staff let them know what came in the mail that day. Hundreds of post cards against this bill.

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