they're under her! here we go! (hatches due 6/23)

Congratulations fun monitor and okiehen!

This morning I have one tufted/tailed BBR chick and three more pips -- but unfortunately, one of the pips is in the wrong end of the egg. I HATE it when this happens. Usually if they pip in the small end they can't maneuver properly and therefore can't hatch by themselves. Having a pip in the wrong end of the egg is the ONLY circumstance in which I will help a chick hatch... and I hate doing that, there's so much guilt involved when it goes wrong...
Anne, I did that with the last egg. She'd pipped through the side of the egg, not in an end. Last night I told myself that if she was still good in the morning, I'd help her. There was a big difference this morning, obviously all the blood vessels had drained and she was ready to go except for sticky, dried membrane on the back of her head.

Wait and watch, I guess. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!
I'm glad your hatch is going well!

My problem solved itself -- the chick that pipped in the wrong end of the egg hatched all by itself!

I now have 4 chicks, 1 pipped egg, and 2 unpipped eggs.


Now... how do I break the news to my husband that my flock has increased in size yet again?
Anne, are you going to open the unpipped eggs? I did yesterday, in the middle of things, after I'd candled it. It hadn't developed very far at all, it was just a little meat spot. I guess I marked the wrong egg when I candled halfway because the one I marked hatched.

Here are my babies:


Congrats to everyone who had hatches and best of luck to those still waiting!
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