THICK yolk

I have this same issues. All my ladies are free ranged and eat an all natural diet. Its two parts, one pellets, one scratch. They both have the same ingredients only the scratch has 8 types of vegetables and fruits. The pellets and scratch are both 17% protein and 6% fat. The feed has oyster shell and diatomaceous earth added. I started feeding them this diet the last six months. They also get greens three times a week(what ever is in season) dark green veggies, bananas,apples and melons. I feed all my extra eggs if any back to them hard boiled. I noticed the egg yolks were thicker and harder to scramble up yet a very nice dark yellow/orange color and totally awesome taste. I pick up eggs twice a day (three times a day when its hotter). I have researched this and my findings are, free range chickens get more proteins from bugs, grasses etc. They also are getting extra beta carotene. So the conclusion was awesome eggs just more vitamins and proteins than a regular chicken gets even if its free range.! But a much better tasting egg..:)

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