Things That Chicken Eat That Surprised You

Eeew. Just saw someone's post about the hens eating the shell-less egg and it reminded me of something from last summer.

We have a fridge in our garage where I put drinks and overflow food, etc. Last summer I put 1/2 a ham out there and forgot all about it. When I came upon it about four weeks later, my quick, sensitive stomach flipped. So I took it outside and was going to throw it in the woods for the foxes or someone else to get but had the dog on my heels. Finally I had to stop because the smell got to me and I had to get sick. The dog started jumping at the bowl, licking up the *nasty* "juice" that was running out since I couldn't hold my arm high enough to keep it away from him and had tipped the bowl over. Of course, this made me get sickER -- and here come the birds... It was so nasty, they "cleaned up" very well behind me. Where was my husband this whole time? Holding his sides from laughing so hard at the scene. Jerk. :) j/k honey.
Tossed a garden snake into the chicken pen and they circled it and pecked it to death, but abandoned the scene to eat the pizza that I'd just tossed in there as a snack.
Threw a katidid in the pen once. Most fun to watch and a wild noise to go with it! Guess it was cruel, but it was in my garden and I don't know what they eat!
I did same! Only my hen came upon the annoying loudly buzzing insect while wandering around the back yard. I posted it in this thread somewhere. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's experienced the Hen vs. Katydid match. Katydidn't fare well here either. :)
I was told very early on in my "chicken ranching" career to throw in grapes -- one fewer than the number of hens -- and watch the circus. Since we only have three birds, it's not so comical -- but I do admit watching them try and play keepaway with the grapes is great entertainment. One will grab a grape and run off to "hide" it from the others, then when she goes back to get another one, the other hens run over and snatch the one she just "hid". It's like a Keystone Cops movie - or a Three Stooges episode where someone constantly just barely misses being bopped in the head by a ladder. Or the one where someone runs thru one door and comes out another all up and down the hall! My chickens are the best entertainment value in our neighborhood!
Oh! Sorry! One more. Cooked spaghetti noodles is one of our favorites to watch them eat. And if you put a little bit of olive oil on them, it's even funnier.
So far a baby frog for us. I was like um what is that. And next thing you know the chase was on. Reminded me of my kids. lol

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