Things you never said until you had chickens.......

Had someone discussing their chick that had been ill but was improving and even farting. I actually asked if chicken farts smell. I never had a desire to know that until now....

DH: go and clean the poop off the patio so the kids can go and play.
DH: the chickens eat better than us!
DH: I cant get in the shed to get my tools because its full of chicken supplies *grumpy face*
DH: why is your top cheeping? There's a chick down there...

DD: The chick is trying to eat me! what if it poops?
DD: That bird has pooped in its dinner again! that's disgusting ewww!

DS: I love chickens (he's 3) want to go play with 'mima (jemima)
DS: look mom worms for 'mima! (gives me a handful of worms as an offering)
DS: Egg! Egg! Egg!

ME: running round the garden at 7am looking for my GLW getting more and more panicked, shouting 'jemima! jemima! I have some meal worms! Turns out she was hiding in the coop.

ME: now ( to DH) don't forget to keep the baby gate across the kitchen door so the girls don't get in and make sure the chicks are at the right temperature the thermometer is on the side.... if the incubator starts to beep press this green button... Hubby sighs ( I went out for an hour)

ME: MOM! the chicks are hatching! look! dials using facetime.

ME: I have to take the brooder upstairs with us. he's only just been born I need to keep an eye on him in case he needs something in the night.

ME: I wont be in yet, I have to clean up outside and put flea powder on the birds/worm the girls/clean the girls/mix up their supper/feed them some greens/wipe the chicks bottoms/check the incubator......


Get that chicken out of the kitchen!

she's escaped again!

Something's wrong, Jemima is honking, quick! there's no point in you going out DH you only make her worse, im the only one who can calm her down.

That chicken hates me.

Jemimas caught a bird again, quick!

Nugget is laying in secret places, be careful where you walk.

And finally:

You know your life is weird when your chickens are more pleased to see you than your children.
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I have a friend who is just as obsessed (if not more) with chickens than i am, and once she was at my house holding baby chicks and one pooped on her. it went like this.
*chick poops on friend*
Me: uh oh ill get you a napkin for that
Her: OMG before you get it look at how cute its little poops are!
The best part is that my friend is kind of a germaphobe with everything unless it has to do with chickens.

"Ohhh yeah... Those eggs are rotting... We need to get them down from there STAT."
My chickens have been laying in a secret place, and I just recently found it.


Sneaky little girls, aren't they?

Sometimes a few of mine decide to go lay eggs in some secret place and I have to follow them around to see where they go.

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