Things you wish you could say

While I have lots of potential predators the worst one is the local fox. He tours the neighourhood every day. Not afraid of humans (no not rabid just has learned to avoid us) but he/she strolls down laneways and through fields.
I saw him yesterday while walking my dog. He is usually a beautiful, well-fed animal but now appears to be missing much of the fur on his tail. Looks sort of like a poodle cut. I have named him Mr. Fantastic, after the character in Roald Dahl's book, Frantastic Mr. Fox.
Used to admire him more until last fall when he killed my favourite, and first, duck Diane. It was middle of afternoon and I was not 50ft away but running a wood splitter so didn't hear and see anything until too late.

You missed humans. They are some of the worst predators.

Some people will start complaining and I will retort with "people are terrible, we should ban them."
I have to make sure my horses, especially the brown ones stay near the barn during deer hunting season.
I'm totally fine with envy (even I get envious of other people's traits), but when a person you're not close to says they hate you for having high metabolism, it's not very great feeling. Even if they think it's a joking tone
My metabolism is such that if I don't eat "X calories of food per day" I will still naturally loose weight. It's still that way and I've started my 5th decade. I've never "rubbed it in" as some have insinuated over the years out of there own POV (and not just towards me). Butidigress....
Just because possums eat ticks it doesn't mean it's ok for them to go after my chickens! Lots of things eat ticks!
I was told the possums eat rats but not chickens. Tell that to DW who went out one night and found one of her hens in a possum's mouth. The chicken turned out fine. The possum did not. :mad:
I was told the possums eat rats but not chickens. Tell that to DW who went out one night and found one of her hens in a possum's mouth. The chicken turned out fine. The possum did not. :mad:
I had a big male invade my garage once. I fought him off in my undies (I was doing my laundry, and the washer and dryer were in there) with a broom. Who knew that martial arts staff techniques would work on a 'possum?

You know when you're out raking leaves, and it's warm and breezy and you're really sweaty and all the dust is blowing around and gets all over your face and arms and you can't wait to take a shower and wash all that $#!+ off? That's what makeup feels like to me.

I don't care what wonderful, expensive, special, organic, probiotic, light, clean, natural crap you use or are selling. I will not try it.

This is my face. Deal with it. If you don't like how I look, don't look at me.
🙋‍♂️ May I acknowledge something that might very likely be seen as hypocrisy?

One of my degrees is Tech Theatre.
I can and do appreciate the artwork & effort that goes into the skills of "make-up" for productions, *work* or for *play*. Just as a tattoo is just as subjective as beauty or exquisite art work; what with color fades, shading, & accents.

My Better-half has always been a practioner of natural beauty and when she has chosen to use "make up"; less is more has always seemed to be her method. Of course I'm bias... She has known me for saying her natural beauty I love ... as do I, her "morning bed head."

Teaching our girls this and simoltaniously allowing them to experiment and play with "make up" sometimes.... Does (in my mind) remove the "forbidden fruit" elements of make-up for them in the long run.
Would saying someone looks better without makeup after seeing them wearing if be an insult or compliment?
Depends on the person. Some people are very proud of their spackling skills. Some people have a delicate self image. Tread lightly here.

My favorite back handed compliment is "you clean up pretty good."

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