Things you wish you could say

Unfortunately today, the problem seems to be, My 'information' is YOUR propaganda and lies. Sometimes also, there are more than one correct answer to a question, or it's a complicated answer.
People IMO have become intellectually lazy, they want digital answers in an analog world.

I am correct, YOU are an idiot, and now I am going to explain why you are an idiot... is the fakebook and twatter approach rather than, I don't quite agree with that, let'sdiscuss this and see what we come up with.

Also, how can you know your limitations until you reach them, or try to pass them and fail, and if everyone just stopped at their limitations, we'd still be living in caves.

I'll give you permission to disagree with that, im in a good mood :D :p :😉:

You make some good points but I believe in this case they were more so referring to in breed and gender and other threads where the answers are pretty cut and dry and people will come running in with something that looks NOTHING like the bird in question. In that case, knowing limits would be a good thing :lau because I’ve seen so many times where someone gets their hopes up because someone on here told them it was a girl when it very clearly wasn’t (not talking about the hard to determine cases) or they said it was this fancy breed or whatever else.
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You make good points but I believe in this case they were more so referring to in breed and gender and other threads where the answers are pretty cut and dry and people will come running in with something that looks NOTHING like the bird in question. In that case, knowing limits would be a good thing :lau because I’ve seen so many times where someone gets their hopes up because someone on here told them it was a girl when it very clearly wasn’t (not stalking about the hard to determine cases) or they said it was this fancy breed or whatever else.
I understand what you are saying Dawg, that's also an 'attention' issue, where people will post just for the sake of posting. Their 'advice' is pretty worthless, but hey, it gets THEIR name on the boards in front of everyone's face right? Like if I asked you how to reboot an android phone, and you get the clown who pipes up with, I have an apple it's less problems. Nobody cares about your apple, nobody asked about YOUR phone, your input had absolutely NOTHING to do with the question, go away you little pestilence!!!

Not defending them, but well.... sort of in their defense, sometimes people do THINK they have a correct answer and do try to help and it's not a blatant attention whore.

Also at times, text is hard to gauge, ok is Aaron joking with me, or was he serious when he said that? Is Aaron pulling my leg or is he trying to be an ass?? Hard to gauge intent often and THAT causes kerfluffles more times than not I'd say.


P.S. Just to clear the air, yes I AM an ass, but do joke sometimes too :p

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