Things you wish you could say

Come for a drive in the DR! Stop sign? Red light? Two lanes? Blind passing? These are all things drivers here have no understanding of. They drive like this... :wee :ya :wee :celebrate
Oh my gosh! :eek: this one was like in a parking lot and they were in a hurry to be first in the fast food line 🙄 so much so they were willing to nearly plow into me lmfao I had to actually stop for the one cause he was already through it basically (at pretty good speed I might add) and NOT stopping even though I had the right of way 🙄 second one ALMOST went through it but I refused to stop this time lol so they finally did. Right before they hit me. 🙄 idiots lol also whenever we have a storm and the traffic lights go out, some people literally just fly right through them without even looking, stopping, slowing down, or anything. At 4 way intersections I might add. 😬😬😬 I swear some of these people are trying to get hurt or something.
I wonder if they misunderstood someone dead pan saying that to them. My husband has said that to me before, but it's a joke.
It's possible but I doubt it. This person deserves a "special sticker" on a daily basis

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