Things you wish you could say

I could never either, they are just trying to protect themselves or the hens....they just think your a predator. We would applaud them if they attacked a predator but kill them if they mistake us for one. It's not right. If a rooster gets really bad and I can't handle him, he will get a pen for himself and if I can find someone who can take him (knowing he's aggressive) I will rehome, never would I kill him for being a rooster. I may discipline him (not harshly) because I want to try to "fix" him. You should pick up your roosters everytime they come to you, this way they know that if they get to close they get held. If your rooster likes it you may be tripping over him, if not he'll stay away and won't attack
You're the giant that comes to feed and water. If he's aggressive or stupid enough to attack you, then he's not doing his job and being a bad flock master, because he is not watching for actual predators and going after the source of their food and water instead.
You're the giant that comes to feed and water. If he's aggressive or stupid enough to attack you, then he's not doing his job and being a bad flock master, because he is not watching for actual predators and going after the source of their food and water instead.
He doesn't know you bring food, they have a feeder for that. Humans are predators, just because you buy food and fill waters doesn't make you not a predator. We are the top of the food chain....why?.....because we are predators. It's a simple fact. He's just a over cautious rooster
He doesn't know you bring food, they have a feeder for that. Humans are predators, just because you buy food and fill waters doesn't make you not a predator. We are the top of the food chain....why?.....because we are predators. It's a simple fact. He's just a over cautious rooster
If we are predators isn't it within us to kill chickens? I mean they are tasty.
If you play the rooster is just being a rooster card can't we play the predator just being a predator card next?
He doesn't know you bring food, they have a feeder for that. Humans are predators, just because you buy food and fill waters doesn't make you not a predator. We are the top of the food chain....why?.....because we are predators. It's a simple fact. He's just a over cautious rooster
Uhhh mine definitely knew who brought the food when I still had chickens. They’d all come running over when they saw me whether I had a feed bag or not. They knew I brought food and sometimes treats. Plus they watched me filling the feeders and waterers. Chickens aren’t stupid. Of course they know who fills it.
They aren't mistaking us for predators, they're mistaking us for being another chicken that they must beat into submission or fight off as a rival. A male too stupid to figure out that the giant non-feathered thing that just delivers the food and removes the poop isn't a rival in need of being bested does not belong in my flock. I give mine plenty of chances to figure things out, personally, but I only have so much patience before they're out of here. I do not need to worry about being attacked while just trying to do my chores in the morning and closing up coops in the evening, and I certainly won't risk my niece and nephew being traumatized by a big dum-dum coming after them for no reason.
Well, here I am. Thirty years ago our first little flock included an awful bantam rooster, who tried hard to kill us, and could fly up to eyeball level. He did, every day, and we kept him way too long.
Then, raising cockerels, and thinking we can reform the idiots who went for us, our friends, and anyone who came here. Not good! We got over it, and now only live with polite cockerels and roosters, three to five at a time. lovely boys, or they'd be gone, and no longer to another home with full disclosure. Just no.
And the fighting bird folks select for super aggressive birds who want to kill each other, and yet are totally not aggressive to the humans in their lives. So apparently separate traits genetically, and human aggressive roosters will turn up regardless of how they are raised.
As flock owners, we learn to see behaviors way before that cockerel decides on a full blown attack! Then, that cockerel can leave the premises.
And our most obnoxious rooster never went after the nearby horses or cattle. So fully capable of distinguishing other (non-human) beings who weren't threats.
It's fine if you want a separate coop for your nasty birds, but not here, not ever!
And I'd hope your liability insurance is really good too.
Did you really just tell me to leave my injured cat overnight in a strange place with strangers just so I can work an extra half hour?

He's confused, in pain, and I'm not going to let him think I've abandoned him on top of that.

What were you thinking, taking a week off and taking our only other tech with you? It's not like anyone could have predicted that my cat was going to get his tail torn off!

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