Things you wish you could say

Over It Pokemon GIF
I have the Huawei P50 Pro. Before I take my trip, I am upgrading to the Pura 70 Pro. All of my P series phones allow expansion. I have the P30, the P40, and the P50 Pro.
Did you know that Hua Wei and Blu phones were coming with malware that uploaded everything on them to servers in China? I think they cleaned them up, but I wouldn't be surprised if they just made the malware sneakier...
Did you know that Hua Wei and Blu phones were coming with malware that uploaded everything on them to servers in China? I think they cleaned them up, but I wouldn't be surprised if they just made the malware sneakier...
Everything that is on them is Chinese (my choice), and they already have all of my information from when I signed up for Alipay. I do not listen to such things. The FBI and CIA take all of our information and go ahead and sell it, and then say that they do not spy on us. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". I am fine with China having my information. I give out my number on any American site, and I instantly start getting spam calls. I give it out to Chinese sites, and my phone stays silent. I know who I would rather have my information; at least if they are selling it, they keep it on the DL.
Pixel 5. I'd like a new phone, but I have other things that I need to spend money on that are more important.
Same here. I'd like to get a Pixel 5 or better, but the 4 works just dandy for most things. Biometric authentication on LineageOS (custom rom) is my biggest problem since Face ID doesn't work.
Everything that is on them is Chinese (my choice), and they already have all of my information from when I signed up for Alipay. I do not listen to such things. The FBI and CIA take all of our information and go ahead and sell it, and then say that they do not spy on us. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". I am fine with China having my information. I give out my number on any American site, and I instantly start getting spam calls. I give it out to Chinese sites, and my phone stays silent. I know who I would rather have my information; at least if they are selling it, they keep it on the DL.
Do you ever visit China?
I have had plans since 2019 to go. Though I started dream-planning a 30 day trip back in 2012. I am saving now (I had many thousands in 2020, but when the world closed down, I spent it to remodel the kitchen), and I should have enough again very soon. I am studying to sit the HSK4 exam when I go.
When you go you should make a thread here and share your adventures. Or hijack Lightm's thread. Either one.

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