Things You Wish You Would Have Known?

My son (13) has built two chicken tractors and redesigned a large cage into a small coop. He is letting me use one until I get mine built and I promise to get him some chickens of his own. I am going to get my family to help me build at least two (hopefully two, even better three) hoop coops. I've been saying I wanted to do it all summer but finally just told DH we're going to do it when he said he wanted us to get more chicks. No more chicks until we have better coops! So he agreed. I don't know why he wants them anyway because the Wildbunch aka my children and myself is the ones (mostly me) feed and water them. I buy their feed and the dogs too for that matter. I think everyone would starve if I wasn't around to buy the food, lol.
If this old biddy can in the last 3 years build a hoop coop, a hoop green house, and 2 tractors, I say, just about anybody can do a building project if they have the tools to do so. Tools are less expensive than paying someone to do it for you.
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If this old biddy can in the last 3 years build a hoop coop, a hoop green house, and 2 tractors, I say, just about anybody can do a building project if they have the tools to do so.  Tools are less expensive than paying someone to do it for you.

I wanted to help build mine but I'm too scared to use the nail gun and such lol my dads done most/all of the building
I wanted to help build mine but I'm too scared to use the nail gun and such lol my dads done most/all of the building
Have him teach you. If he's standing near by to direct you the first couple of times you place a nail, you should be good to go. Just do it when he's around. Nail guns, and drills are part of what make the jobs do-able.
Have him teach you.  If he's standing near by to direct you the first couple of times you place a nail, you should be good to go. Just do it when he's around.  Nail guns, and drills are part of what make the jobs do-able.  

Thanks, I'll see if I can do some of the next parts :) I'm more I guess just partly scared by the blow back and noise. Not really scared I guess, I want to do it, but my mother is also a worry wart and tells me to stand back and stuff like that so I guess I kind of inherited it. It's a little annoying, I mean, I'm 22 and tbh would probably even be more careful than my dad. Yet she still says that stuff. But i guess i can see why she'd worry but still. Anyway, i think i want to try it.
Thanks, I'll see if I can do some of the next parts :) I'm more I guess just partly scared by the blow back and noise. Not really scared I guess, I want to do it, but my mother is also a worry wart and tells me to stand back and stuff like that so I guess I kind of inherited it. It's a little annoying, I mean, I'm 22 and tbh would probably even be more careful than my dad. Yet she still says that stuff. But i guess i can see why she'd worry but still. Anyway, i think i want to try it.

Ha ha ha! I was 22 when I built my first coop couple of years ago. Never used tools, also no dad to show me either, but I had the rental guys from store tell me how to use it, and watching some YouTube for safety. It was in powering, tho my wife was scared for me lol, I would like to own one when I can afford it so I can build her a gazebo. The kid next door (14) that helped me lift the roof frames was happy when I let him used it to attached my roof, now I would love to build more stuff if I have time, the slave drivers @work keep me from having time.
Ha ha ha! I was 22 when I built my first coop couple of years ago. Never used tools, also no dad to show me either, but I had the rental guys from store tell me how to use it, and watching some YouTube for safety. It was in powering, tho my wife was scared for me lol, I would like to own one when I can afford it so I can build her a gazebo. The kid next door (14) that helped me lift the roof frames was happy when I let him used it to attached my roof, now I would love to build more stuff if I have time, the slave drivers @work keep me from having time.

That's awesome! Maybe I'll watch some YouTube videos. Can definitely see how empowering itd be. We didn't own a nail gun before but just got a cheap one off amazon i think lol or maybe harbor freight. But ya. Its not super expensive or anything but it works pretty well. I'd like to use it though, been too scared to. And haven't touched the saw. Hopefully you can find some time!
That's awesome! Maybe I'll watch some YouTube videos. Can definitely see how empowering itd be. We didn't own a nail gun before but just got a cheap one off amazon i think lol or maybe harbor freight. But ya. Its not super expensive or anything but it works pretty well. I'd like to use it though, been too scared to. And haven't touched the saw. Hopefully you can find some time!

Go kdogg go!! You can do it!!! Get some safety glasses too & ear protection & go to town!
Maybe I'll watch some YouTube videos. Can definitely see how empowering itd be. We didn't own a nail gun before but just got a cheap one off amazon i think lol or maybe harbor freight. But ya. Its not super expensive or anything but it works pretty well. I'd like to use it though, been too scared to. And haven't touched the saw. Hopefully you can find some time!
Do, there are many, many good instructional videos on youtube. I am a cautious type and don't touch anything if I don't know what I'm doing, but I've made things and I now have "dangerous" tools (like a drop saw and a circular saw) in my collection. Learn how to use them properly, use all the correct safety gear and take your time. NEVER try to do something in a hurry. I'm an older person too like Lazy Gardener and if I can learn, you certainly can at your age. I never had any background in woodworking or metalwork or anything. When I was at school, only the boys did those things. Girls got to do cooking. LOL Go for it - it's very rewarding being able to make and fix things yourself. When you know what to do and how to do it properly, it's way less scary.

I have a young girl come to help me with jobs (cleaning my animal houses). She's just 14 and she already knows how to do a lot of things. Her dad works as a handyman (he came to my house to put up my chicken run, that's how I met her, she came as well after school and with her mum to bring him lunch on the weekends) and she knows a lot from helping him. I wouldn't have any concerns with her using small power tools. She knows what she's doing and she isn't silly. She's been helping me put up my new run.

It's never too early or late to learn.

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