Things you would miss about chickens

I was also going to say their warm, dry feet. Isn't that an odd thing to fixate on? So scaly and reptilian, but warm.
Also, grabbing a glass of wine and letting them out to run in the evening. My favorite thing to do.
I don't know if I'd miss them but I would be a worried MESS over if they are ok an be calling the person in-charge like 24/7 to just say " are they ok!??!!?!!!!!!!!!?!!????? So I guess I would miss the security I give them as there owner ( my hole family owns them but I'm the only one that takes care of them or even Bothers to remember there names :(
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Oh, that's a shame you can't share your chicken weirdness with your family. My husband and I enjoy chicken weirdness together. I miss a lot of things being away from home for three months. I have to say that friends and husband I miss more than chickens - but chickens are the delightful garnish on my days, and life is bland without them.
My mom enjoys them with me more than my father an brother do... My dad just thought they were gonna be cheap an inexpensive... Then we built are 1000+ $ coop an he started saying "we will never make our money back!!! " so I don't blame him an my bro gots alot of school Hw all the time so he's no help but its really just me an my mom an she helps when I take the chicks out side to lay I'm the sun :) ;)
Yeah, they get you outside a lot more than you would go otherwise. I love sitting in the sun watching them do...chickeny things.
I don't know if I'd miss them but I would be a worried MESS over if they are ok an be calling the person in-charge like 24/7 to just say " are they ok!??!!?!!!!!!!!!?!!????? So I guess I would miss the security I give them as there owner ( my hole family owns them but I'm the only one that takes care of them or even Bothers to remember there names
Same here. I would miss the chickens a little, but sometimes I do need a break. But I would worry about them a lot because once when we went away, we had raccoon problems, and I don't like leaving them locked up in the hot summer. (I can only get someone to take care of them once a day.)
I'd miss just watching them. I'd make someone set up a webcam for me so I could watch them from afar. It'd be a poor substitute for being there in person to watch them peck through the green grass and do their chicken-y things, but it's a start.

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