Think I need a *real* coop

I only had to do it a few times they know now if I walk into the run with it they head for the coop if I walk into the coop they run outside they don't like the yard rake at all but hey it worked at the time I now have them trained to treats but at first I tried the chase thing and that got tiresome quicly so I said the yard rake had a reach on it and it would block them from running back out into the yard so it is worth a shot you will only need to do it a few times before the understand.

As for the Poker buddies I bet that would make their night hey let's go watch Frank rake up his Chickens
I got 5 on the chickens.
I used a lacrosse stick to persuade them off there, the first time. Gently put it under their bottoms then lift slowly. They climb onto the end and hold on there, until I do a "bombs away!" into the backyard. It's weird when there are 7 of them up there. You feel like you should be done by now. Or maybe they are sneaking back up there, when you are disgorging the next one. Like a Lucille Ball conveyor belt of chickens and you keep lifting the same three off there.
Just finished installing a 2x4 along the bottom of the back deck, I put two of the leaders on it to sort of let them know it's there. I hope it works. It's about 5' off the ground. Hopefully it's comfortable for their feet. They are out of the rain and above predators. I'll work on the perches in the hen house tomorrow. I'm thinking of buying a hoe at the thrift store and cutting the handle off. I need a short one to rake out the chicken poop, so I can remove the handle and it will get reused in two ways.

While I was putting up the 2x4 I looked up to see the distance between the top of the lumber and the bottom of the deck, just as a FAT raindrop fell in my face. Well, as many of you can imagine; when you are working with chickens and something wet, splashes onto your face, your first thought is not "rain". Even though there were no chickens within 20 feet of me, that raindrop turned into a chicken turd, in my mind. It was all I could do not to wipe it off, right away.
Fortunately 4 out of 7 are Bantams. I think it looks like they are all RIRs because those are so much bigger. One of the Bantams is coming up on 20 weeks and is about the size of a softball. The only one that does not roost up there is the rooster. Who named them that?

At night, my laying hens roost and my rooster lays down on the deck chairs. Who started this insanity?

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