Think it's too cold for your chickens? Think again...

I have for gotten about doing that, I used to do that for my Mini Lops in Calif. It works great!! I still love the heat though. Right now dad is making the fire and I am next to him covered in 3 blankets and its 20 F outside. Go figure, I will have to go back out in 3 hours to put everyone away for the night.
I did the same thing with old laundry soap jugs since I didn't need to change them as often but in the end they preferred to stay underneath the coop (its on blocks). This year I will be better prepared for nature's and learn!!
I actually haven't had my chickens in the summer yet, this is all good to know! I did put my coop under a tree, in a corner with a block retaining wall with dirt behind it, and a fence with a shed on the other side, hoping that will protect a bit from the heat (a little like being in a basement) it faces N/E and will get morning sun, some sothern exposure, but the S/W, where the sun scorches most, is protected. I think with your suggestions above, they should be quite happy :) (their run is on the N/E side as well)
Ok, I'm from Texas. (Yeah, I know. We don't really 'get' winter. lol) This is my first time with baby chicks, though. I have some two week old chicks and some one week old ones that I got from a lady who kept them under a lamp. My question is, should I slowly wean them from the lamp, or should I keep it on them longer since some are so young? I've got back and forth with turning it on and off....
Ok, I'm from Texas. (Yeah, I know. We don't really 'get' winter. lol) This is my first time with baby chicks, though. I have some two week old chicks and some one week old ones that I got from a lady who kept them under a lamp. My question is, should I slowly wean them from the lamp, or should I keep it on them longer since some are so young? I've got back and forth with turning it on and off....

I would leave it on for at least another few weeks.Then you can slowly wean them off but don't start until they are fully feathered out. That is all of them.
Ok, I'm from Texas. (Yeah, I know. We don't really 'get' winter. lol) This is my first time with baby chicks, though. I have some two week old chicks and some one week old ones that I got from a lady who kept them under a lamp. My question is, should I slowly wean them from the lamp, or should I keep it on them longer since some are so young? I've got back and forth with turning it on and off....
what are your night time temp lowes in Texas? are your little ones inside or outside now?
at a week old I think that still need their lamp. we kept ours inside till they were 6 weeks. i started weaning them off heat about 2 OR 3 weeks adding a lower watt bulb as they started sleeping on the outside of the light beam. LET YOUR CHICKS be your guide. if they are huddled up together together under the lamp they are cold.make sure they have space to move in and out of the 4 weeks they were off the lamp but inside. a few days before I put them outside we started keeping them by the back door n lowered our thermostat to was about 50 outside the day we put them out. i have a big box of hay for them to sleep inside the coop. make sure it has plenty of vent holes. humidity can build up and they will get wet. iv got two flaps open om the top and a door cut on the side.the first several nights i had to place them in the box because they were sleeping on the ground lol
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OK, I broke down and set up a heat lamp over their food in the run today. Their food has been freezing up by mid afternoon lately.

Actually, It's not that cold yet, I don't think it's gotten below 25 degrees F, and they ignored the heat supply today. However, in the next few weeks it will probably get down to 5 degrees or zero, and we usually get a bunch of below zero days each winter. I don't want to be out there securely attaching the heat lamp when it's 5 degrees, so I went ahead and did it now. I put the light on a timer, have it run for a few hours midday to keep the food warm.

I know, call me a wimp, spoiling my birds.
We just have a small 25 watt bulb in there for light. Was considering putting a 60 or 90 when it gets to zero, but so afraid of something catching on fire! Tonight the low is supposed to be around 13, I will check on them early in the morning. They haven't "looked" cold yet this winter, their feathers are really thick.
We just have a small 25 watt bulb in there for light. Was considering putting a 60 or 90 when it gets to zero, but so afraid of something catching on fire! Tonight the low is supposed to be around 13, I will check on them early in the morning. They haven't "looked" cold yet this winter, their feathers are really thick.

I put my chicks out at about 8 weeks after slowly acclimating them to colder temps. They have already spent a few nights at around 15 degrees and are doing just fine! I was worried but even the silkies seem to be handling the temperatures okay. I do not supply any heat or light at all. When I go out in the morning to dump the ice blocks out and give them water, they are running around - seems like I am the only one freezing!

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