think she's inbred ? Pics Added post # 11

Here's those pics of that barred rock,


heres the tuft




another one of her tuft & turkey neck

her short wings and big feet
Is it possible she has damage to the feather follicles (don't know the actual term) on top of her head? Maybe from an old injury? My daughter lost a chunk of hair (size of a quarter), when she was a little girl. It was pulled out in a treadmill accident. 15+ years later her hair still grows in that spot in a tight curl because the hair follicles were so severely damaged.
its possible , but have never noticed an injury there to my knowledge, had her since 3 days old and she's almost 6 mos now. i was was gone for a week this summer so maybe then ,but my friend who took care of them did'nt inform me of anything
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Cuteness aside, one of my chickens had a feather in the middle of her back stand up funny for a while, a lot like the tuft. When she did a little mini molt for more grown-up feathers, it went away and all hers are normal now.

Just remembered this. She has no sign of ever looking a little weird.
I think she may well lose her top knot when she moults again, and , if she doesn't that makes her extra cute.

I don't think my 23 week old Brahma will get normal feathers, though.

My BR is looking better now that she's filling out and coming out of her moult but she still has the tuft i took these pics about a week ago ,they change so fast when growing up

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