thinking about buying an incubator...

ajcress asked about doing a test run. I would say get what you want to hatch and give the 1588 incubator a try without the test run. The temperature stability is so good on the 1588 that I have, I have no doubts that a first time chicken hatcher could meet with success assuming they start with good eggs that haven't had too rough of a ride in shipping. Another consideration - are you prepared to raise and house the test run chickens in addition to what you really want to hatch out? If you have the ability or inclination to process the test run chickens for meat without getting too attached to them, then maybe a test-run would be worth it.
Hatching is great fun, but not the most economical way to get chicks unless you hatch from your own birds. At $25+ a dozen, you're lucky to get 6 chicks to hatch and grow up. I have a few $10 chicks from my last hatch, when I could have ordered them for less than half that at the hatchery. I can't resist the excitement of hatching them myself though!

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