thinning the flock - new richland, MN


10 Years
May 31, 2009
I'm thinning out the flock to special on just a few breeds. Birds are 10-13 months old unless otherwise noted
1 purebred Ameraucana blue rooster 23 months
1 golden laced Wyndotte hen
1 silver laced Wyndotte hen
1 lakenvelder hen
3 black stars hens
1 bantam ameraucana hen
1 bantam black cochin hen
5 - 12 week old easter egg roosters

PLUS Many more... will post photos.
All vacinated for Mareks and Cocci
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I'm sorry. Driving half way to MT isn't an option for me. I'd ship at your cost
If you could find out about the shipping cost, that would be OK, the only shipping I've ever done is dogs on an airline, and thats very expensive, to bad I didn't know about this 2 weeks ago, I was in MN and could have just brought them home. I guess I should ask how much you want for the 2 wyndottes, the lakenvelder, and the black stars. What else do you have in young hens? Right now I just have 3 golden sex links, but would like a few more with out going the baby chick route

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