~*Third Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatch-Athon*~ all poultry welcome!

I just added my 17 polish shipped to me by Raven. Thanks!!!

That brings my count up to 27 chicken and 3 duck. I'm a little nervous now. My incubator is really full!! I'm hand turning the ones on top and there is a table that spins for the bottom. Lol!
How about a little gardening conversation??  MOst of the US is finally free of snow-- or almost. We have an erant pile here and there mostly in the cold shadows. BUt . . . . .

THe soil is dry enough to be worked. The kids jumped in and dug the pea trenches. After showing them how to plant  2 10 foot rows, I handed them 2 more packets and gave instructions on where to plant them. Now I know it wan't go like clock work-- they are 10 and 12 afterall-- but I like to show them that I beleive in their abilities.  When I checked in they handed me packets still half full!!!  Sent them back to empty the pkgs-- just hope they remembered which variety when where!! lol

Mammoth Melting Sugar--4 1/2" edible flat pods on 4 foot vines
Snowbird--3 " edible pods who knows how tall ( bought in honor of SNowbird)
Sugar Snap--eaten whole or shelled, which means I wont waste time shelling

THen went and bought radishes and kale. 

And praying birds keep out!!! lol 

ANyone else planting to keep their mind off the eggs??

I finally started some tomatoes, pepper, and other seeds indoors. I feel like I'm behind in gardening. We still have a little snow on the ground, but I think it'll be gone next week. Forecasting 80 degrees on Monday! :eek:
I've been starting seeds like crazy since mid-Feb but have had some setbacks. First, we had an unseasonably warm day a few weeks ago and I wasn't here to get them out of the sun and cooked most of them so I had to start over. Then a few days ago we had winds in excess of 30mph and the place I had them that I thought was safe turned out to be not safe enough. They got dumped and I lost about 2 doz seedlings. Thankfully the rest were okay (amazingly). I moped for a couple of days about it but this morning got up and realized moping isn't getting them restarted so I've spent most of today making new newspaper pots and starting them - again. For some it is my third try. I've learned a lot this year and it isn't my first go around either. In fact, I start from seed every year so one would think I'd have it down pat by now.

So - for almost mid-April, and for as long as its been since I started the first seeds and for the time I've put into it, my results so far are nothing to write home about. But I'm hoping it will be smooth sailing from here on out. Our last frost is the end of April so I'm not going to risk planting outdoors until then, though I've planted onions, potatoes and rutabagas out in the garden already.
Count me in again! I swore I wouldn't hatch many turkey eggs this year (just a few for the boys) since last year was a disaster in our homemade cabinet incubator. Well my neighbor is an enabler and lent us his 2 hovabators, we had a communal nest I was going to let the turkeys hatch but no one claimed it and it got up to 37! Set 56 turkey eggs on Tuesday & the other bator is still empty! Can my straight jacket be over-nighted?
lol that's a lot of eggs!!

I've been starting seeds like crazy since mid-Feb but have had some setbacks. First, we had an unseasonably warm day a few weeks ago and I wasn't here to get them out of the sun and cooked most of them so I had to start over. Then a few days ago we had winds in excess of 30mph and the place I had them that I thought was safe turned out to be not safe enough. They got dumped and I lost about 2 doz seedlings. Thankfully the rest were okay (amazingly). I moped for a couple of days about it but this morning got up and realized moping isn't getting them restarted so I've spent most of today making new newspaper pots and starting them - again. For some it is my third try. I've learned a lot this year and it isn't my first go around either. In fact, I start from seed every year so one would think I'd have it down pat by now.

So - for almost mid-April, and for as long as its been since I started the first seeds and for the time I've put into it, my results so far are nothing to write home about. But I'm hoping it will be smooth sailing from here on out. Our last frost is the end of April so I'm not going to risk planting outdoors until then, though I've planted onions, potatoes and rutabagas out in the garden already.
Nothing like direct planting to feel successful!! I've not tried rutabegas--are they easy??
Nothing like direct planting to feel successful!! I've not tried rutabegas--are they easy??
This is the first time I've grown them so I'll have to get back to you on that. I don't think I've ever eaten one even! I saw the seed packet and decided to try something new. Its a root vegetable and it says on the packet that it is called a "Swede" in the UK and can be boiled and mashed like a potato.

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