~*Third Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatch-Athon*~ all poultry welcome!

so cute:love i have been debaiting if getting a broody hen for my next hatch would be better then useing a incubator is there a differance in hatch rate between the two?

I cannot really give you a percentage because my first hatch with a broody was poor but I only set 6 eggs that were partially developed via incubator first.  My incubator hatches have been very successful.  We'll see with this hatch!

The biggest factor for me wanting to use a broody is not needing to use a heat lamp and brooder box to raise them. 

I have never had a broody incubate eggs, just brood chicks. I got to say, worth her weight on gold!

She made sure that all ate and drank and pushed them all under her skirts to keep them warm. Also, I was able to introduce them to the flock way early since the broody would beat up any chicken that got close to those chicks! It was marvelous and made my life much easier. She even took multi age chicks and multi size chicks, at the same time.
I have never had a broody incubate eggs, just brood chicks. I got to say, worth her weight on gold!

She made sure that all ate and drank and pushed them all under her skirts to keep them warm. Also, I was able to introduce them to the flock way early since the broody would beat up any chicken that got close to those chicks! It was marvelous and made my life much easier. She even took multi age chicks and multi size chicks, at the same time.
awesome ill be getting a silky just for that reason hopfully in the next few weeks
nice what type of incubator do you have?
The rcom 20 Pro. I had an older version last year. It was just an rcom20, which was awesome enough! Just older. I decided to sell it and get their newest model this year.
Ooohhh…..drooling. I'll be interested to hear how you like it. I have two of the Rcom Max 20's and I love them. I looked at the Pro's as well, and was tempted but in the end I decided since the main difference is that I have to manually stop the turner and raise humidity/lower temp for hatch, I should just save the extra money, but if you tell me you love it enough to be worth the extra, I might be tempted to do the same with mine later on.

I *think* my RP hen is broody. She hung out on her nest all day yesterday and was settling in to sleep on it last night. She is in a terrific place to sit and brood so I couldn't be happier. t traded out the egg she laid yesterday for a dummy egg and I'm going to give her a couple of days but if she is indeed broody, I have a clutch I can give her. I set it by double stacking in my Rcom last Thursdays (20 eggs) but I'd love to move them out and under the hen, and be able to turn on the turner in the Rcom again. Bonus for her is she'll only have to sit for 3 weeks to get poults.
Un hatch a thin related, but my girl sure needs all the prayers she can get today from anyone who will. No 12 yr old should have to be so stressed out and afraid to go to school!!!

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