~*Third Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatch-Athon*~ all poultry welcome!

For the owners of fancy incubators......

I splurged this year, and got a Brinsea 40, LOVE it! It holds temps as steady as a rock! I am so happy! (Had spikes and crashes last year with my vintage incubator)

Anyway, I was super close to getting a Rcon, but went with Brinsea instead. Anyone have both? Thoughts? Mostly because, awesome as the Brinsea 40 is..... I am addicted, and maybe need a second incubator next spring.

My Brinsea is able to keep steady temps even though the room it is in goes down to 40.

I've had both and both were excellent. I'm running a brinsea mini advanced now. And had an octagon 20 Eco. Both had great hatches and successfully hatched out exotics. Which were known to be hard to hatch. I've had the rcom 20 too, and just bought the 20 pro. I love both brands equally lol.
I have chicks & poults hatching now. More chicks, poults & ducks in lockdown for Easter hatch. Plus, chicks, ducks & poults set for Cinco de Mayo. Then there are several batches set in between & more set for after. Setting turkeys & mallards tonight...so I'm hatching every couple days clear into mid May just with what's here now. Did I mention I also have 3 more batches of eggs either on the way or coming soon?
I'm playing Egg Tetris in 3 or my 4 bators. The 4th is the hatcher & I may have to play tetris in there too...LOL

Photobomb Contest
Third Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon (all poultry welcome)

Do you have a camera hog in your flock?
This contest is for photos of domestic poultry who've inserted themselves (uninvited) into your photographs!

ANY domestic fowl accepted!
Judges will choose finalists,

and then YOU vote for your favorites!

2 entries per contestant

Winner gets first choice of the prizes below, runner-up gets remaining prize:

1st Prize

12 Hen's Choice Hatching Eggs (donated by uphilljill)
This barnyard mix and may include eggs from Midget White turkey, Pearl Guinea fowl, LF Barred Plymouth Rock,
and Barred Rock/BLR Wyandotte crosses (up to the ladies at time of collection)

2nd Prize

Hen Saddle, size L (donated by uphilljill)


If anyone else wants to donate prizes, please let me know!

Contest Rules:
1. Open to all BYC members in the Continental U.S. (due to shipping of eggs.)
2. Contestants may submit no more than 2 photos.
3. Photos of any domestic fowl accepted.
4. Your submission must be your own photo and not used in a previous contest.
5. No photoshop allowed.
6. To submit your entries, simply post your photos in this thread.
7. Judges will choose finalists, and then YOU vote for your favorites.

Deadline for entry is May 1st, 2014 at midnight PST

POST your images in this thread!

If you have not joined in the Third Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon, join us here:

I have chicks & poults hatching now. More chicks, poults & ducks in lockdown for Easter hatch. Plus, chicks, ducks & poults set for Cinco de Mayo. Then there are several batches set in between & more set for after. Setting turkeys & mallards tonight...so I'm hatching every couple days clear into mid May just with what's here now. Did I mention I also have 3 more batches of eggs either on the way or coming soon?
I'm playing Egg Tetris in 3 or my 4 bators. The 4th is the hatcher & I may have to play tetris in there too...LOL
that is deeply impressive.

I assume that with that much hatching, it is a business?
Yelp i'm pretty sure i have killed all my embro's I froze them their first night here (my incubator dropped 97F last night) and i cooked them when i was at school (my incubator rose to 106F) i don't get what is going on my incubator what showing a steady 99-100F for almost 5 whole days before i got my egg's now eathier the temp is too high or too low. Does anyone know a person that sells bantams or bantam chicks near dallas texas since my feed store won't order them for me.

Photobomb Contest
Third Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon (all poultry welcome)​

Do you have a camera hog in your flock?
This contest is for photos of domestic poultry who've inserted themselves (uninvited) into your photographs!

ANY domestic fowl accepted!
Judges will choose finalists,
and then YOU vote for your favorites!
2 entries per contestant
Winner gets first choice of the prizes below, runner-up gets remaining prize:​
1st Prize
12 Hen's Choice Hatching Eggs (donated by uphilljill)​
This barnyard mix and may include eggs from Midget White turkey, Pearl Guinea fowl, LF Barred Plymouth Rock,
and Barred Rock/BLR Wyandotte crosses (up to the ladies at time of collection)​
2nd Prize
Hen Saddle, size L (donated by uphilljill)​

If anyone else wants to donate prizes, please let me know!

Contest Rules:
1. Open to all BYC members in the Continental U.S. (due to shipping of eggs.)
2. Contestants may submit no more than 2 photos.
3. Photos of any domestic fowl accepted.
4. Your submission must be your own photo and not used in a previous contest.
5. No photoshop allowed.
6. To submit your entries, simply post your photos in this thread.
7. Judges will choose finalists, and then YOU vote for your favorites.

Deadline for entry is May 1st, 2014 at midnight PST

POST your images in this thread!
If you have not joined in the Third Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon, join us here:

Yay this is exciting! This should be a fun contest.

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