This always makes my day.....


10 Years
Apr 29, 2011
Northwest Indiana
Today my chickens were enjoying some free range time. When I walked outside to check on them, they saw me from across the yard and started to run. The sight of a flock of chickens running towards you at full speed has got to be one of the cutest things!! It makes all the work seem worth it!
Is it not one of the most wonderful things. To be loved so much. I love to see what I call the chicken waddle run. They see you and come running and all the problems of the world melt away. It is beyond words.
I didn't have anything for them, but how could I turn that down? I told them to wait and went to get them a treat. It was just like I remember older people doing when we would trick-or-treat when we were little and they didn't have anything ready. They would dig through their houses looking for anything they could give us!
I don't have chickens myself but I visit my neighbor who does, and I absolutely love watching them run to us when we have treats. It's so adorable, and I can not wait to be able to see that every day!

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