This Duckling is so small?


In the Brooder
Jun 3, 2022
I have a 10-day-old duckling that is incredibly small. Compared to his siblings of the same age he is 3 times smaller than the smallest duckling other than him. What should I do? He seems to be still eating and drinking but he is so tiny.
Have heard some people say they had ones like that that never thrived and passed away and heard some people say they ended up the same size. I would be giving it extra vitamins and minerals daily, and make sure it really is getting enough food. Might keep it on starter feed longer than the others. If it was mine I might separate it at night from the other ducklings but keep it somewhere they could see each other. If it has food by itself at night, hopefully it will eat enough.
You can give them some scrambled eggs to help them out with extra nutrients. If it is eating and drinking well it will likely do fine.

The black runner below was the same age as the fawn and white runners. She was super small, but eventually was my biggest runner.
Have heard some people say they had ones like that that never thrived and passed away and heard some people say they ended up the same size. I would be giving it extra vitamins and minerals daily, and make sure it really is getting enough food. Might keep it on starter feed longer than the others. If it was mine I might separate it at night from the other ducklings but keep it somewhere they could see each other. If it has food by itself at night, hopefully it will eat enough.
Yea, he did pass away. He was not doing very well this morning and later on passed.

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