This forum has been much different lately.

As some of you seem offended with throwing around the term "kids" and making this about age, lets just call it a nose dive in maturity levels. The nonsense, attention seeking, and bad advice is rampant... and its a huge distraction from the true value of this site as a POULTRY KEEPING RESOURCE.
I agree that this is a main issue.

I have no problem with kids being here (so long as they're old enough as per the rules.) The issues I have is with maturity. I constantly see immature people post thread after thread after thread to the point that I wonder if they're making up emergencies simply for responses and validation. It's like every day is a new emergency. Once the old thread dies and stops getting responses, they'll make a new one.

The immaturity ties in with emotions as well. People give advice that's influenced by their emotional immaturity rather than what's best for the welfare of the animal(s) in question. This is especially common in threads where someone is on the fence about culling an animal.

I've lurked here for some time now, and I remember coming here when I was much younger and reading threads to help my own animals when needed. I personally joined now because I don't like seeing this site actively degrade the way it has been, where knowledgeable people are being driven off because of the rampant immaturity exhibited in serious forums, and people can't ask questions because threads become derailed. I can only do so much with the knowledge I have, but any way I can help is better than watching this forum continue on the path it's going.
I agree that this is a main issue.

I have no problem with kids being here (so long as they're old enough as per the rules.) The issues I have is with maturity. I constantly see immature people post thread after thread after thread to the point that I wonder if they're making up emergencies simply for responses and validation. It's like every day is a new emergency. Once the old thread dies and stops getting responses, they'll make a new one.

The immaturity ties in with emotions as well. People give advice that's influenced by their emotional immaturity rather than what's best for the welfare of the animal(s) in question. This is especially common in threads where someone is on the fence about culling an animal.

I've lurked here for some time now, and I remember coming here when I was much younger and reading threads to help my own animals when needed. I personally joined now because I don't like seeing this site actively degrade the way it has been, where knowledgeable people are being driven off because of the rampant immaturity exhibited in serious forums, and people can't ask questions because threads become derailed. I can only do so much with the knowledge I have, but any way I can help is better than watching this forum continue on the path it's going.
The perfect way to sum it all up.:goodpost:
My 2 cents on the OP's original thoughts.

I personally don't think its fare to label all kids as members who spread misinformation. I agree, its a bit annoying that theres more beginners then educated members on here in the last year, but its still not fare to label all accidental mistakes as spreading misinformation. I joined the forum to learn, yes, I'm going to make mistakes sometimes, thats how I learn. I don't want to be told I'm spreading misinformation because I'm wrong. I knew nothing when I joined. Then I guessed the wrong breed a few times, asked unimportant questions and diagnosed wrong, but its nothing I was intentionally trying to do. No one is intentionally trying to cause any issues, we're just trying to help. I know SO much more now because of it. So, so much more. I wouldn't' have learned that if I was told to stop spreading incorrect info when I was a new learning member. I know new members on this site who don't post anymore. Not because of the spread of incorrect info, but because of people telling them they were doing something wrong. I think theres a better way to solve the issue than applying labels.
Just my 2 cents.
My 2 cents on the OP's original thoughts.

I personally don't think its fare to label all kids as members who spread misinformation. I agree, its a bit annoying that theres more beginners then educated members on here in the last year, but its still not fare to label all accidental mistakes as spreading misinformation. I joined the forum to learn, yes, I'm going to make mistakes sometimes, thats how I learn. I don't want to be told I'm spreading misinformation because I'm wrong. I knew nothing when I joined. Then I guessed the wrong breed a few times, asked unimportant questions and diagnosed wrong, but its nothing I was intentionally trying to do. No one is intentionally trying to cause any issues, we're just trying to help. I know SO much more now because of it. So, so much more. I wouldn't' have learned that if I was told to stop spreading incorrect info when I was a new learning member. I know new members on this site who don't post anymore. Not because of the spread of incorrect info, but because of people telling them they were doing something wrong. I think theres a better way to solve the issue than applying labels.
Just my 2 cents.
Why does learning have to come from giving someone a wrong answer? Just wait for someone to provide the correct answer, and we can all learn form it. Misinformation is dangerous, whether spread intentionally or not.

I do agree it is not all the "kids" messing things up. But i disagree that the spread of misinformation, whether well intentioned or not, is necessary for learning.

I think you are a fine member weeg and have enjoyed your threads, especially about meat birds as pets. Not trying to criticize you personally here at all. Just making some generalizations.
My 2 cents on the OP's original thoughts.

I personally don't think its fare to label all kids as members who spread misinformation. I agree, its a bit annoying that theres more beginners then educated members on here in the last year, but its still not fare to label all accidental mistakes as spreading misinformation. I joined the forum to learn, yes, I'm going to make mistakes sometimes, thats how I learn. I don't want to be told I'm spreading misinformation because I'm wrong. I knew nothing when I joined. Then I guessed the wrong breed a few times, asked unimportant questions and diagnosed wrong, but its nothing I was intentionally trying to do. No one is intentionally trying to cause any issues, we're just trying to help. I know SO much more now because of it. So, so much more. I wouldn't' have learned that if I was told to stop spreading incorrect info when I was a new learning member. I know new members on this site who don't post anymore. Not because of the spread of incorrect info, but because of people telling them they were doing something wrong. I think theres a better way to solve the issue than applying labels.
Just my 2 cents.
To be fair, there is also lots of false information intentionally being spread (off the tip of my head I remember 'milking a chicken' and 'you're almost guaranteed to lose all your silkie chicks because they're too fragile to survive'
My 2 cents on the OP's original thoughts.

I personally don't think its fare to label all kids as members who spread misinformation. I agree, its a bit annoying that theres more beginners then educated members on here in the last year, but its still not fare to label all accidental mistakes as spreading misinformation. I joined the forum to learn, yes, I'm going to make mistakes sometimes, thats how I learn. I don't want to be told I'm spreading misinformation because I'm wrong. I knew nothing when I joined. Then I guessed the wrong breed a few times, asked unimportant questions and diagnosed wrong, but its nothing I was intentionally trying to do. No one is intentionally trying to cause any issues, we're just trying to help. I know SO much more now because of it. So, so much more. I wouldn't' have learned that if I was told to stop spreading incorrect info when I was a new learning member. I know new members on this site who don't post anymore. Not because of the spread of incorrect info, but because of people telling them they were doing something wrong. I think theres a better way to solve the issue than applying labels.
Just my 2 cents.
I don't think that's how OP meant it.

All of us that were here when you joined have watched you learn and grow and are proud of where you are now. You help where you can and you take corrective criticism like a champ. You file it away in your brain and you learn from it. It shows. That is how people learn. By listening and observing. Trying and then trying again.

Unfortunately some can't take constructive criticism or correction. They take it personally and get nasty. Text is flat to read, so I believe part of that at times is just lost in the translation.

That's my 2 cents on your 2 cents. 😜
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Why does learning have to come from giving someone a wrong answer? Just wait for someone to provide the correct answer, and we can all learn form it. Misinformation is dangerous, whether spread intentionally or not.

I do agree it is not all the "kids" messing things up. But i disagree that the spread of misinformation, whether well intentioned or not, is necessary for learning.

I think you are a fine member weeg and have enjoyed your threads, especially about meat birds as pets. Not trying to criticize you personally here at all. Just making some generalizations.

Regretfully, Humans seem to learn best from making mistakes. Personally. When we learn at all.

Few seem to learn well from the mistakes of others - though I continue to offer my own as examples. Were it otherwise, we as a species might have learned more from our own history, and would not be doomed to watch, Generation after Generation, as people try the same tired ideas and insist, magically, that this time the results will differ, because they are the ones doing it. Just as we did at that age. and our parents, and their parents, before that.

Its the nature of the human beast.

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