This is a dumb fear.

I still can't go down stairs at night that aren't carpeted/covered. Monsters under there that can grab you too, you know.
I am a 30 year old grown mother of 4, and if I have to go downstairs at night, especially if I'm the only adult in the house, I take one step down, reach for the support beam half way down, and swing from it off the stairs into safety. I really need to invest in some carpet....
I will make it worse for you sorry....but I have always been scared. I won't shower hardly ever home alone? Because of this I swear to it.....a very good song but yeah

I have to have the closet doors closed also AND all cupboard doors in the house. No hubby to close them or leave them open either.
I like to close my door and my closet at night. I admit it, it feels a little odd if they're open, but I don't obsess about it. However, like some of you, when I was reeeaaal little, I used to have a fear of monsters under the bed, and skeletons scared the bajeepers out of me; can't believe I remember that so vividly. It seems so dumb to me now!
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I cant be uncovered at bedtime...
I also REALLY cant let my feet hang over...

sometimes my heart races when all the lights are off and I need to get up...I turn every light on as I enter the room.

and yes; I've been known to wake my 13 yr old up to go turn the lights on for me... (just a couple times) lol...
Are you afraid of me then?
I'm descended from Gypsies.

On another note, I'm deathly afraid of aliens. If I see a plant in the dark that looks like one I'll freak out and have a panic attack. I also had a friend from Job Corps that was afraid of the color yellow. She never did explain it to me. I was mean and chased her down with paint brush covered in safety yellow.
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Oh, my goodness - Eenie, I have exactly the same problem! If I even go into the bathroom to use the toilet, I have to check behind the door, behind the towel rack, inside the shower itself .... yeah, before I can settle down and actually go to the toilet.

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