This is a dumb fear.

It was a class project. The scariest part was the black cherry jello. If Terrie thinks is too graphic, I will happily remove it.
Up until 2 years ago or so... I always, always had to check behind the shower curtain! For a while, I would do it, as soon as I got in the bathroom, after I was done in the bathroom, and then after I had washed my hands.. 3 times. I also, absolutely HAD to.. if we were over at anyones house. For some reason.. all of those people always had those decorative shower cutains, with more than one layer and ruffles, perhaps even fringe, and sometimes you could tell they had gone to trouble to make it wave evenly.. but I HAD to!

Then.. when I was an older teen.. I stopped the checking and instead would just fling it back and leave it like that until I left...
I also, thanks to one of moms mystery tv shows when I was really little, had to check the toilet before I sat down. Making sure there weren't any snakes in there!
I didn't know at the time... but it counts as OCD for sure when you feel you HAVE to check more than once.
I also have to have my closet door closed, my feet tucked over the end of the end of the covers (with part still hanging down)... the blankets up to my chest at least.. and all extremities must remain inside the circumference of the bed at all times!

I moved past my bathroom fears though... and onto bacteria, and washing my hands a gazillion times. I am not so concerned about my enviroment (though I like clean, of course) I am more concerned with me.. myself being clean and in perfectly clean clothes.

I can do stuff outside... animals, plants, ect... I can deal with animal, and outside 'dirt', while I am in contact with it.
I cannot handle (may suffer through it), people dirt.. cab rides, crowded places..ect ect.

When I'm inside.. I don't sit in the living room in clothes I may sit in my room in. I don't handle things I think of as nice or 'clean' when my hands have touched anything 'dirty'. I just use my debit card instead of cash.. never know where its been.

I wash my hands a certain number of times depending on the 'contamination' level

I just have a certain order I do things in, and a methodology, to make all of that possible.. so when I come back to my room, I can do it being absolutely clean, in clean clothes, to a clean bed, clean items.. and spend the rest of my day/night/whenever.. not being bothered about the clean thing.

Yet, I'm not scared of the bathroom anymore!

I do always lock my bedroom door too... and I always put stuff back in the place I have designated for it.
I do try not to let it bother me that others don't do the same as me.

I LOVE the show Monk... it deals with both issues, LOL. The alien epsiode.. when hes walking in the desert.. having used all of the water in his canteen to wash his hands with
Then when hes talking to the dirt... " You win! Are you happy now? You win dirt!"
So very true!
I have an irrational fear of open water. As long as I can see the shore I am fine. Once I lose sight of land I panic.
Really, I can drown just as easily in the Columbia River or Pend Oreille River as I can in the ocean, but I am fine on a lake or river. Plane rides? No problemo.
As long as land is in sight.
So I guess I won't be visiting Hawaii or taking a cruise anytime soon.

So there ISN'T a secret cruise for all the staff!? Or do they just leave you here to babysit all 90,317 of us?

Pretty much
It was a class project. The scariest part was the black cherry jello. If Terrie thinks is too graphic, I will happily remove it.

It is too purple to be real blood. Besides I like black cherry jello
It was a class project. The scariest part was the black cherry jello. If Terrie thinks is too graphic, I will happily remove it.

It is too purple to be real blood. Besides I like black cherry jello

The roosters love it too. I had two kids helping me keep my BO out of the scene.
So there ISN'T a secret cruise for all the staff!? Or do they just leave you here to babysit all 90,317 of us?

Pretty much

Big meanies. You need a safari or something.
you know, i keep my shower curtain pulled back unless guests are over, for the same reason...

what's even worse, i'm afraid one day i'll open the trunk of my car and find a dead body in there. don't know where that fear comes from... maybe i watch too much TV...

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