This is a dumb fear.

It probably does. I constantly tell my parents they "didn't raise me right".

if i said that to my parents, i would get a glare and a sulk from my step father, and my mother would turn the tables on me and put a serious guilt trip on me. I don't know how she does it, she is just that good.

I love my parents though. I Wouldn't be this nuts if it ween't for them

I will on occasion read parenting books and tell them what they're doing wrong.
Of course, that's only when I'm reallyreallyreally mad. Most of what's in those books is crap.
if i said that to my parents, i would get a glare and a sulk from my step father, and my mother would turn the tables on me and put a serious guilt trip on me. I don't know how she does it, she is just that good.

I love my parents though. I Wouldn't be this nuts if it ween't for them

I will on occasion read parenting books and tell them what they're doing wrong.
Of course, that's only when I'm reallyreallyreally mad. Most of what's in those books is crap.

I say it to my mom constantly. My father isn't as much fun to tease, because he'll just shrug and say "Yup, you're right"

My mom though, it peeves her to no end. I use it when she has "suggestions" for me about anything from my dog to my kid. I say "Well Mom, if you'd have raised me right I'd be doing it that way already wouldn't I?"

I actually need to stop that now that I think of it...Lily is going to learn it.
I will on occasion read parenting books and tell them what they're doing wrong.
Of course, that's only when I'm reallyreallyreally mad. Most of what's in those books is crap.

I say it to my mom constantly. My father isn't as much fun to tease, because he'll just shrug and say "Yup, you're right"

My mom though, it peeves her to no end. I use it when she has "suggestions" for me about anything from my dog to my kid. I say "Well Mom, if you'd have raised me right I'd be doing it that way already wouldn't I?"

I actually need to stop that now that I think of it...Lily is going to learn it.

I usually get a 'Yes dear. Will you please chop the onion for dinner?'

"Mama, you doin' dat wong. You s'posed to say, "Yes Lily. Anyfing else, Lily?"
I'm the same with the shower curtains, dark rooms, and closets. I can't let my feet touch the floor right next to the bed because I think I am going to get snatched under by something or someone. I fear large groups and talking to new people and i am very awkward around new people. I am also a compulsive nail biter.
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I'm sorry! I take it all back!! All those things I said about you behind your back were just pieces of my envy showing through! I'm sorr- *Realizes it's fake* *Coughs*
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I'm sorry! I take it all back!! All those things I said about you behind your back were just pieces of my envy showing through! I'm sorr- *Realizes it's fake* *Coughs*



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