This is crap. I can't hardly believe what I am reading here.

PunkërTeçhñöRøø§ter :

The person who complained was from Africa, been here 14 years, took the flag down and dropped it on the floor. But if she had put up a flag of Kenya and someone had done the same thing it would be a case of bigotry !

funny how that works​
I am pretty sure a passport is required now for travel anywhere outside the U.S. If anything, one needs it to get back across the border (this is at least true for air and sea travel). I believe the deadline for needing a passport was sometime last summer.
Hmmmm . . . I missed the article in question but the comments pretty well gave me the gist of the thing. Made me think of a story my friend in Kirkwood, MO told me. A neighbor of hers has a few backyard chickens. Now mind you, Kirkwood is a suburb of St. Louis and not rural by any means. Everyone in the neighborhood enjoyed the antics of the chickens. Cars stopping in the street to let them cross etc. All except for one anti-chicken zealot who felt it was her job to gather a petition for the banning of backyard (and street crossing chickens). When the woman came to my friend's door, my friend was courteous but informed the dissenter that she was fighting a losing battle and that the chickens didn't bother anybody else. What we need to do in "our" country is stand up for our rights and the rights of those we run in to daily. I find a good laugh at the crab apples usually deflects them. I'm an old old woman who graduated HS in 1955. Our class theme was upward and onward. We sang the following song (I think - it could have been an eight grade song) . . .

This is my country, land of my birth.
This is my country, grandest on earth.
I pledge thee my allegiance, America the bold.
For this is my country, to have and to hold.

This is my own, my native land, this is my native land.

Everyone on my country road has an American or a Confederate battle flag. Amen for individuality!!!


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