This is crap. I can't hardly believe what I am reading here.

You can't just leave. I've tried. Because we've been such jerks to the rest of the world, no one wants us. Americans can't just decide to immigrate to another country. You have to have huge stock piles of money first, and promise to not work in whichever country you choose to move to.
tknjk wrote
Do people not realize this is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA still, and if you don't like it you can leave it. It's one thing to be ticked off with the president, or some policy's, but it's entirely another to say the flag of our country that should be displayed with pride is found to be offensive. Totally mind boggling

I'm with you on that one. I served 6 years with the united states marines 1983-89. You may not agree with the presidents policies but you still respect the office it stands for and support the young men and woman that are fighting on a daily basis to preserve our freedoms.
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Very nice attitude.

Attitudes aside, it is true that moving out of the US is difficult if you want to do things legally. Quite impossible unless you're wealthy or manage to get a work visa.

Edited to delete the many times I used the word quite lmao.
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I have lived in other countries temporarily. Only in America is it considered offensive to be patriotic! Go anywhere in Asia and people will tell you how great their country is and how it is so much better than America. (They want to come to America for the money, but they still want to be thought of as Asians.) They have more national pride and, in my opinion, much less to be proud of.

This article really upset me. After my grandmother passed away, when we went through everything in her house. We found my grandpa's old citizenship handbook from 1934. One of the requirements for becoming a U.S. citizen was to renounce your loyalty for your old country and pledge ALLEGIANCE to the U.S.A. I wish it were still that way!
If I were rich I would hire people to go hang a thousand flags around that complaining womans yard and banners that said "Let Freedom Ring" and remind her that being an American is a good thing and something to be proud of!

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