This Is For Everyone Who Wants To Know The Gender Of Their Chicks!

Most of us dont mean to sound like grouches, we just know that this is honest to goodness not true and as Katy said, it could hurt your chick.

An old farmer told me that round eggs are hens and pointy eggs are roosters.

If ANY of these things were true, the hatcheries would have it down to a science and there would be no such things as
straight run chicks.

We are just trying to keep inaccurate information from being put out there.
Sorry you got slammed boykin, thanks for posting something that you assumed would be helpful.
None of this was meant as a "slam." Quite simply, misinformation is worse than no information. Reality is not a "slam." Or then again, maybe to many it is?
Agreed. Misinformation can be harmful to people who have never had chickens before and come here looking for help. I'm sure none of us here would want to be responsible for someone breaking their chicks neck by trying this.
I personally think the best way is OBSERVATION, & its alot more fun. i have 4 11 wk olds & im positive i have 1 cock 3 pullets. the cock will try & fight with the others but they arnt into it & just walk away from him.
So just how many chicks have you tried this on? Couldn't be too many since you've said yourself that you are new to chickens.

Misinformation like this is not a good thing to pass on to other people especially when there's a good chance it can cause harm to the chicks.

The only 100% sure way of knowing what gender of chicks you have is to be willing grow them out long enough that the signs of their gender become apparent. Even vent sexing isn't 100% accurate.
Well according to my husband we women are more talkative even among the chickens..the girls are always clucking but when the roo crows..much less often but you know that means the pullets are the chatter boxes and the roos are more silent.As accurate as that very poor method and chicks are in no danger

Goes right with the string,pointy egg,squat or reach up when something is overhead, the list is so long
with the silkie exception you can start seeing characteristics within weeks..some breeds only days.
For a school science project my kids "sexed" hundreds of chicks by all the methods out there last year other than dangling them by their necks there is no excuse for that..we had so much fun laughing and that is what it was fun laughing.When we got done there was no clear winner...some were 50/50 some higher some lower none worth a dollar bet being true.We did learn things for MY flocks and feathering patterns with the feather sexing...yes most don't feather sex either but when you do hundreds of birds and keep records we saw some patterns hold true in some pens.
Consider this..if you dangle a chick by it's neck and it doesn't struggle you have a health issue with that chick...a healthy chick is going to try and survive a non thriving chick can't.
It's bogus. Seriously, where is the science behind this method??? Reminds me of old stories people use to try and predict the sex of a baby while pregnant.
Hmm, I think you confused this method on how to determine the personality of a puppy. This is one method of determining if a puppy has a dominant personality or is more submissive. Not all roosters show a dominance, so I do see a flaw here, as I am sure others have made very clear already. It would be great if there were an easier way like if all chickens were sex linked so that when they hatched you would know. Unfortunately, we all know this isn't the way it is.
Thanks for trying to help.

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