This Is For Everyone Who Wants To Know The Gender Of Their Chicks!

Are they all right?

Sorry Ranchhand and Boykin, I sure didn't mean to hijack. Hope you don't mind too much.

Thank you Minniechickmama.
You proved that this method does not work......according to the OP the females hang limp while the males struggle.......I think your wife is a female and your daughters are female!!
yall i am so sorry to have started this discussion and get every one into a fight. i was simply tryin to help. i will continue to do this method and the first time one of my chicks gets a bad neck i will stop it but so far nothing bad has come from it so i wont stop doing it.

i dont mind at all that yall changed the discussion.... i am actually kinda glad because it was getting kind of heated..... anyway thanks for the responses.......


I have some pretty ticked off hens and young pullets! When I tried this "trick" they struggled so much they were certainly wanting to get loose and strangle me!
I mean no offence; but my personal experience says otherwise. At TWO WEEKS OLD a few of my males (one in particular) have tried "spuring" me. It's kinda hilarious, lol... I'd pick up a chick, it would cry, and a baby roo would come running over and attack. I repeat; AT TWO WEEKS OLD. These are hatchery "Delawares" from Meyers.
Good "question"...

Real world answer: This Spring; I have plans to purchase LF Golden Laced Cochins. My minimum order will need to be 25. However; I only want 1~2 roos and 4~8 hens of my own. As such; I have made arrangements with a few families to take a roo and a few hens, each... I r-e-a-l-l-y don't want to wait more than 2~4 weeks before I thin the flock of 25.

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