This is going to be a real long one but please need somebody's help

I am glad she came back it sounds like a predator attack that was a close call. We've had issue with owl and hawks as well as fox hanging around. We have since built a new enclosed coop and pen but I agree the girls were much happier free ranging. After something killed Brenda then our old girl granny we made the changed.
If there's a flockmate she's particularly close with, you may want to bring that one in with her. Chickens aren't usually happy alone. They like companions.

My independent Twirp lost her tail feathers to a dog, hid, was out all night, was found and fished out from DEEP inside a juniper bush. Brought her inside to do clean up/check her over and observe. She drank but wouldn't eat. One of the roos had his tail feathers missing too, but had gotten back into the coop before dark. I snagged him (she isn't close to ANY of the ladies) and brought him in to check over. Then put him in with her. He promptly snuggled in with her, purring and coo-ing to her. She snuggled UNDER him and they both spent the night inside. She didn't start eating until after he started crowing the next morning. When I went to put him out, he turned and fought to come back inside. That only ceased when she took herself out to join him.

The night she spent outside was below freezing (just) and she was shocky and cold when I brought her in. I'm not sure she would have started eating on her own without him.
That's the only thing about her being separated from the flock is she's by herself. She's a bit of a loner ever since her twin egg McMuffin passed away the week of Thanksgiving. My other 5 hens were upset and depressed after eggies death but hawk didn't seemed faded by her absence
That's the only thing about her being separated from the flock is she's by herself. She's a bit of a loner ever since her twin egg McMuffin passed away the week of Thanksgiving. My other 5 hens were upset and depressed after eggies death but hawk didn't seemed faded by her absence
I'm glad your girl is ok❤️ loosing a member of your flock never gets easier or seeing them in any kind of pain. My husband gets VERY upset over the chickens like
That's the only thing about her being separated from the flock is she's by herself. She's a bit of a loner ever since her twin egg McMuffin passed away the week of Thanksgiving. My other 5 hens were upset and depressed after eggies death but hawk didn't seemed faded by her absence
Of the other 5, which one is "alone"? I'm mean which one is off by herself, on the outside looking in, or otherwise not buddied up. That's the one to bring in with Hawk.
So yesterday when I went out to do a head count of my six hens that are free range my 8 month old Appenzeller Spitzhauben hawk was nowhere to be found of course I freaked out because we just lost her sister egg McMuffin a month ago so I am crying screaming her name shaking the bag of worns nothing no signs of her. Where I live is out in the country but the road is like a main road and people are assholes and they fly up and down it so that's my number one concern she doesn't like fly over the fence all the time just I don't she's a bird she's a chicken that she does that at instinct so when she does she realizes what she does and she panics and that's when she goes into the gate she wasn't there so my husband and I searched everywhere where I lived I mean I walked down the road with my dog to see if he could find her till it was till 3:00 this morning I finally passed out from exhaustion. Today get up and go out and take care of the hens like I do everyday with the five remaining ones still no sign of hawk still yelling for her still shaking a treat bag stillness on it's like she just vanished into thin Air naturally I'm thinking somebody stole her that's the the best reasonable explanation somebody went my yard and took her. I go back inside to get myself and my children ready for Xmas super duper sad not wanting to go and do anything because my Hawks on home my husband volunteered to stay back sit in case she did show up or something happened that way somebody was here husband goes outside to do a head count and he I've never seen his man run so fast comes flying back inside the house hawk is back she's back! I don't know how she did it but she was in the fence back with the rest of her flock cuz my gate the only way to get my it locks it has a latch on it you have to physically take your hand in my latch it unless she flew back in I don't know how she got back in she got him by yourself she's she's back and it's amazing like it's a Christmas miracle but she looks like she's been through hell she's limping her eyes cut and you can just tell something has happened to her while she's been gone. There's no like breyers on her or feathers missing those are the only visible marks and obviously her leg she's limping she doesn't she's like sensitive she don't want to touch it she doesn't it don't look broke it doesn't look deformed so we separated her and put her in the sick Bay for right now and I'm going to tend to her leg we don't have a veterinarian for chickens while we live so I'm trying to find one and it's Christmas Eve so it's not easy but does any the reason why I'm asking for help does anybody have a similar story or do they know like what I should do I'm just so happy to have her home like so happy it's amazing it's the best feeling in the world cuz I'm losing chickens doesn't get easier it gets harder every time and like I said we just lost her sister a month ago tragically. Sorry the post is so long and it's me just ranting I'm just so happy and excited same time and confused and don't know what to do with the next step is I'm kind of freaking up here so any advice or any any information anybody can give me is really appreciated thank you guys and Merry ChristmasView attachment 3711664
shes so pretty 🐔 :love

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