This is going to be interesting


Aug 27, 2019
Midlands SC
My large (14 lbs) black sex hen went broody and she went super stubborn broody would NOT quit tried everything. So giving up i gave her 7 eggs. 4 hatched 1 died shortly after hatching.
I have 3 tiny floofs.
2 are silver wyandottes which is fine but the 3rd is interesting.

I have 1 black sex link(BSL) that are at minimum 1/2 wyandotte/barred rock and 2 that are 3/4 wyandotte and 1/4 barred rock. I do not know what hen this particular egg came from.

The chick is mostly black but its head is red and the wing edges are this red as well. Its two days old and the wing feathers have started to show and i can see some red coming in there too. The rooster who sired is a silver wyandotte that carries red. it possible for this chick who is mostly wyandotte with a splash of barred rock to have red show over the black which i know is dominant.
Am i wrong to expect a mostly black bird with some red lacing?

I will post some pictures later momma hen is large and very mean.
Would help if I could see a pic.

One of my hands are now bleeding but i got it away from momma


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