This is what I'm thinking plus a few questions


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 5, 2013
Snohomish in the PNW
Next year I want to get some geese for meat but I also want some for eggs (I know they don't lay many) so I was thinking of getting four to six geese; four for the table and two for eggs. But I also don't want to have more geese than I can care for. I live on somewhere between a 1/4-1/2 acre (I will confirm when I get home) but I can't free range as there is only a fence on two
side. I really want to make sure I can give my geese the best care before they meet the freezer. So here's what I'm thinking; I have some land in the back (will get a picture) and I want to put a spot for the geese towards the back on the right and then fence around with a three foot fence.

My questions about this are:
- How big of an area do you think I will need to fence off? The space is actually quite a bit bigger than the picture lets on.
- Would two x-large dog houses be big enough for the birds?
- I plan on putting a kiddy pool in the back sunk down into the ground with some DIY drainage to make it look nice (it will have to because the roomie demands it).
- I am thinking of getting Embden geese, would these be good dual purpose birds or would the Toulouse make a better table bird?

Thanks for reading!
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Okay here is a picture of the backyard when it's clear. I should make mention though that right now a bunch of lovely blackberries, grasses and dandelions have grown up since this picture was taken but will be cleared out prior to any animals going in next spring (landscapers as I'm overwhelmed).

I didn't get a chance to take a few more of the area but I will try to get some tonight. I was thing of putting the houses on the right, (the chickens will be on the left (not shown), around the stump.

This is the house I was thinking of using:
Would two of them be good for four geese?
Okay here is a picture of the backyard when it's clear. I should make mention though that right now a bunch of lovely blackberries, grasses and dandelions have grown up since this picture was taken but will be cleared out prior to any animals going in next spring (landscapers as I'm overwhelmed).

I didn't get a chance to take a few more of the area but I will try to get some tonight. I was thing of putting the houses on the right, (the chickens will be on the left (not shown), around the stump.

This is the house I was thinking of using:
Would two of them be good for four geese?
Those would probably work just fine...
As for the dandelions and such... my geese LOVE dandelion greens, and grass is an important part of their diet as well. Consider NOT ripping up the ground, just let the geese do it for you! Also, make sure you are able to separate the geese from the chickens, as many geese will harm chickens, especially during mating season. And I mean separate them as in "can't reach through the fence to get them". My gander tried to pull a full grown chicken through a wire fence last winter... it could have been really ugly if he had gotten a better grip on her.

Another thing to consider with 4 geese... 2 males and 2 females? You will want to be able to separate them into 2 pairs during breeding season because the ganders MIGHT fight over the females.
Those would probably work just fine...
As for the dandelions and such... my geese LOVE dandelion greens, and grass is an important part of their diet as well. Consider NOT ripping up the ground, just let the geese do it for you! Also, make sure you are able to separate the geese from the chickens, as many geese will harm chickens, especially during mating season. And I mean separate them as in "can't reach through the fence to get them". My gander tried to pull a full grown chicken through a wire fence last winter... it could have been really ugly if he had gotten a better grip on her.

Another thing to consider with 4 geese... 2 males and 2 females? You will want to be able to separate them into 2 pairs during breeding season because the ganders MIGHT fight over the females.
Thanks Dragonfly. I'm not to worried about the dandelions and grasses but there are also a great deal of low crawling blackberries and I don't want them to hurt their feet on the thorns. The chickens and geese will be separated by about 20 feet so nothing to worry about there.

As I am growing these guys for meat and not necessarily eggs/goslings (haven't decided yet) sex really isn't a big deal to me. If I decide to get a breeding pair then I would section them off for their own safety for sure!
I really want to make sure I can give my geese the best care before they meet the freezer.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]OH my, a girl of course mind can't go there.
Hey Honey Guess what is for supper..?
just couldn't.
If I know them raised them, couldn't do.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]My friend farms cows pigs etc,
I can buy hamburger etc from him yet if I feed took care of them just couldn't.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Poor little kids way back years ago,
I know necessary,
Sorry honey, yours is for Supper tonight..

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