This is why predators have such an easy time with quail

New buyer...just moved in in December...pretty sure he was nuts but granddaddy said something about a gift horse...

He was buying them on the cob for $25 if that tells you anything.
I can't even find a fur buyer here in California. I have a $2-300 winter bobcat just stapled to the wall in my garage (ruined now, didn't tan it). We ended up making one of my nephews a fort out of last winters dried coyote pelts fence posts and some wire since we had no way to offload them an didnt' want to waste anything.
I'll have to start looking down in the LA area because it really is a shame to waste them. I have a buddy who does taxidermy so every once in a while I'll give him my primes to hang on to in case he botches someone's but thats the only outlet I have. I just hate wasting anything. When I get a little time I want to learn to properly tan a hide out that way at least if I can't sell it, it isn't taking up freezer space.
Love YouTube...there's a "How To" everything!

I'm tempted to go to youtube and search how to "grow hair" or "grow taller" to test this theory...but there's probably a tutorial...

I loved that commercial with the "beard growing contest", where when the guys strained you could see the beards growing...
No I was trying to think of things that were relatively impossible...Ironically, I'm slightly over 6 feet, and still have (most of) my hair...

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