This just burns me

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I hate to see it. It the height of irreverence to make a funeral into a protest about something completely unrelated. These people are beyond horrid! They are disrespectful nutjobs hiding under the banner of Christ. However, I have to agree that they do have the right to protest and it is protected speech.
It is disrespectful and insulting. Politically speaking, I tend to agree with the protesters, but my gosh, NO Christian should EVER wish death upon someone who has committed no crime, and nobody should EVER be that callous. "Thank God for dead soldiers?!" REALLY?! That is just insulting and offensive.
Yes it is, Christians now days wave it over their heads like a banner. Sort of like the Jews did to all of the Gentiles back before Rome took over Israel. They are pulling the whole holier than thou art gig. It infuriates me when I see people do this, it makes them look bad, me look bad, the person who died look bad, and most importantly it misrepresents the name of God. These people are what gives God a bad name as far as the world sees it. I am a Christian, but I believe this is very disrespectful and just plain wrong. I want to beat the far out of those people. Someone who fights for their freedom deserves respect, at least a proper burial without all of this. There will never be world peace, on earth that is. Worldly peace is stop the fighting and disobedience, real peace is wholeness, and restoration. Once again, never peace in the world. People will always be at odds until every knee bows and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is lord. These people saying this in the name of God just makes me so mad. "I like their Christ, but not their Christians" -Gahndi
This is the things that ruin the name of God throughout the world, disrespectful to God and the deceased.
As a Navy wife and a Patriot Guard Rider (yes, there's a few of us gals in the PGR) I'm really ticked off at this ruling. Hate speech isn't protected speech in Canada. Why can't Americans figure this out?
The protesting funerals has nothing to do with beliefs about war, it is because they are changing laws to allow homosexual people into the military. They are claiming that soldiers that die (gay or straight) are gods punishment for allowing them into the military. These nut jobs are mostly from one family, and no other religion will accept them. But why don't they call it what it is? It's flat out discrimination.
The protesting funerals has nothing to do with beliefs about war, it is because they are changing laws to allow homosexual people into the military. They are claiming that soldiers that die (gay or straight) are gods punishment for allowing them into the military. These nut jobs are mostly from one family, and no other religion will accept them. But why don't they call it what it is? It's flat out discrimination.

Yep, I believe homosexuality is wrong but I don't go around yelling that God is killing soldiers. A peaceful protest in an appropriate place is okay but this is too far...
They are simply saying inflammatory remarks because they know it's going to give them press. Yes, it P*sses me off. But they have a right to say what they wish. It's their right as Americans. If everyone didn't have that right we wouldn't BE America. That said, they have a right to say what they wish... just like the family and friends of those that have passed have the right to beat the cr*p out of them for saying it...
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Ohhh, this is fanTAStic! This is the way to respond to such awful behavior, not with legislation that limits constitutional rights.
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