This really irratates me

Gosh, when eggs are on SALE here they might be 2 bucks. That is very cheap. The nerve of some people, of course free range (CRUELTY FREE) Eggs are going to be more expensive than store bought! Plain and simple I dont think she was very bright or has any idea about these things, dont even worry about her! I will never buy another carton of eggs from the store after having free range, they even TASTE better, its awesome.
I wish I could sell for $2 around here. I couldn't even give eggs away at first, everyone was concerned because they weren't white, and I have a rooster so I have a few people who will not buy eggs from me for that reason... I am lucky to get a dollar a dozen, but probably half my eggs are 'donated' to neighbors, since I have so much trouble getting people to take them. I have a few people now who I gave free eggs to the first time, but now they have decided that they don't want to actually pay for them... *sigh* I am slowly finding people who will buy them, but the limit around here is a dollar (which is only ten cents more than the cheapest eggs at the store). With feed prices and such I would really doubt I am breaking even, but I try not to think about it...
But for everyone else it's three dollars a dozen or go to the grocery store for their eggs. I'll take them to the homeless shelter before I'll sell at a loss.

I was just outside hanging out the laundry and thinking that exact same thing!!

I can't believe its still bothering me - LOL - my 17 yr old sons says "Let it go mom, let it go!" Haha..

Okay- I'm going to let it go. or try anyway.​
I'm a little north of kittymomma in Seattle and I see them advertised for $4-$5, in the urban areas. Same with organic in the stores. I don't get enough to supply everybody who wants them. I don't charge and would feel guilty charging some friends and coworkers and not others. Right now coworkers are trying to outbid each other for my eggs. Such problems huh?
I think you handled it well, with class and pride. Good job.

Imp- Maybe you should send your eggs to me to sell.
I'm also in Seattle and they are usually $4 to $5 at places like PCC and Whole Foods but they're usually older and you don't get the nice bright orange yolks like farm fresh... For those you're looking at $5 and $6 a dozen at the two egg stands at the West Seattle Farmers Market... Let me tell you, that made me want to devise a way to hide 20 or 30 chickens from my neighbors and open up my own little stand at the market

There is definitely a big difference between the city and the country where the price is concerned though. My mom's neighbors out in Duvall (rural town outside of Seattle) usually charge $2 to $3 a dozen because they're much easier to come by. We were lucky to have a friend out there with an abundance of chickens but no garden so we traded our veggies for her eggs. Worked out quite nicely as their family LOVES squash and we had what seemed like tons of it last year!
lilblessings5...Don't worry about "letting it go". I also sometimes stew about things and they will go away by themselves. Sometimes it takes 2-3 days!

You handled the situation with grace. There is always the odd one who just doesn't understand and thinks only about the $ amount and not the quality of the item. In my opinion, you get what you pay for. It seems to me, that you are charging what the market will bare.

I only have 1 -2 dozen each week to sell and I started selling them for $4 to my husband's co-workers. Now that everyone wants them, I have raised my price to $5. But these are bay area prices where everything is high. Organic feed is $38. The store sells organic eggs for $4. We need to educate people that this does not mean cage free or free range. The organic free range sell for $5 at our farmers market.

When our hens first started laying, my husband couldn't believe that i would charge more than the cheapest wal-mart carton of eggs for our product. But now, i usually sell out of them pretty fast, and he's starting to understand. It's funny because he'll argue with me and then i'll hear him bragging to his friends about the quality of our eggs. Some people don't understand at first.

Right now, i'm only charging $1.50 at that. My eggs are still pretty small. But when i can sell all large or mostly all large, they will be $2.00/doz, and i don't think anyone who has any idea what a great product they're getting will mind.

I just had to help my husband understand that i am not interested in competing with the grocery store. The grocery store can't compete with ME.
I'll guarentee you she's the type that believes the picture of the hens running around in the grass in front of the big barn on top of the egg carton of the store bought eggs. Having lived and worked in a metro area for the last 15 years you would be surprised what "city" people believe or think.
She simply wanted to pay less than what she pays for eggs in the store.

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