This showed up on our doorstep ...a Quail?


5 Years
Mar 19, 2017
Twin Falls, ID
it seems to be eating and drinking fine. we will watch it to see if it is healthy...I think it is a domestic quail and may have pulled a jail break from a neighbor. I have it inside in a carrier (I do wildlife rehab at times so we have them at the ready) but this doesn't look like the quail I know unless it is a bobwhite. too many cats roaming the 'hood to just leave it out alone. will ask around if someone is raising quail otherwise will figure it is wild and release or can I let it live with my mama hen as a permanent chick?

yes I did take it when it was huddled and asleep ...we tried to turn it loose and it came right back to our doorstep and there are WAY too many free range cats in our hood to just hope it can survive, it seems to be somewhat domesticated so I guess we now have a little bobwhite! his whistles are not unpleasant but they do pack some decibels!
Lol on the Calling BOB-BOB-WHITE!!!!! hes calling and looking for a mate.

as far as turning him loose and coming back! He is that breed of Bobwhite known as the Boomerang Bobwhite!
lau.gif throw it and it comes back. It is also known as a TAMED or PET Bobwhite. congrats

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